Georgi x Narcoleptic!Reader (Please...for me)

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Requested by: @Snowflakesparklegore

Y/n's pov

I was at Georgi's flat waiting for him to come home from practice. I wanted to surprise him since we haven't spent too much time together  because of our busy schedule's. I had a minor case of narcolepsy, which Georgi knew of and he was fine with, even when I fell asleep at some of his competitions and made a fool of myself. I had made him dinner and now was waiting for him. I turned on his flat screen T.V. to try to keep myself awake incase I have another sleep attack [1] and miss the look on his face when he sees me. I sat down on the couch and my leg started to go numb and I knew that I was about to have another sleep attack. I told myself that I could fight this and try to over come it. I laid back without realizing it and quickly fell into a deep sleep. At the same time I heard Georgi enter his house. I suddenly woke up what felt like a few hours later, but in reality was just a few second later. I hopped up and ran to Georgi to be greeted with a hug.

"Y/N!! What are you doing here!"

"I wanted to surprise you silly, since we haven't seen each other for a while..." I yawned but didn't really notice. "And I just missed you so much."

"I missed you too" Georgi kissed my forehead and embraced me in another hug. We both went over to the couch to cuddle and Georgi kept randomly giving me this confused look.

"Is there something wrong?" I finally asked.

"No,  you just keep yawning...if your tired please go to sleep."

"But I don't want to waste my time with you just sleeping"

"Please...for me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I fell asleep within a few minutes. 

  In the middle of the night I jolted up so that I was sitting up. I looked around, by the looks of things it was probably 2am or something. I grabbed my phone and read 1:34am. I wasn't surprised though. This happened every night. I haven't slept that long in so long. I hated it. I know I can't help it but I just wish that I could get a full nights sleep and not be tired all the damn time. I randomly yawn and have stupid sleep attacks and don't even notice it and I look insane.

   I hadn't noticed it but I started to breath heavily. I must've woken Georgi up at some point because he started to rub my back and sat up next to me.

"Hey..are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I hate this. I hate waking up in the morning and feeling exhausted but waking up in the middle of the night with So much energy. Looking insane because I fall asleep at random times and places. I hate it." Tears were threatening to fall from my face.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Georgi tried to calm me down by looking into my eyes with a reassuring face. "I know you have no control over this and it's never going away but I don't worry...I'm never going away either..." Georgi stayed awake with me until I fell back asleep. Without home I probably wouldn't be as happy...or be here...

[1]- Sleep attacks usually last for a few seconds or minutes during the daytime when you experience random, sparks of extreme drowsiness.

Sorry if this is really crappy. It probably is but at least I tried.

Next: Yuri Plisetsky x reader. *Lemon*

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