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You couldn't help but stare as her beautiful blonde hair danced in the breeze. Her eyes never left Daryl's face, and the smirk on her lips never ceased. You knew Andrea had a thing with Shane, but by the looks of it, she had gotten bored and hoped to move onto Daryl. Too damn bad he was yours, and you weren't one to share men. You eyed her outfit, a low cutting top more than likely gave Daryl a full view down. You narrowed your eyes and looked back down at your meal. You'd barely touched it, the rice and potatoes just not seeming all to appealing to you this evening. 

Sighing, you offered your meal to Carl, who gladly took it, and began walking to the tent you shared with Carol. The two of you talked quite a bit in the evening before bed, and she probably knew you better than anyone else. The one topic you'd failed to mention was Daryl and how lately you felt he was ignoring you, seeming to find any excuse not to spend alone time with you. It's not like you expected him to be publicly affectionate or anything, but a mere greeting on occasion would be better than silence. Stepping into your tent, you left it slightly unzipped for Carol, and slid into your sleeping bag. You could still hear the faint voices of the others, and you let it lull you to sleep.

"(Y/N)! Jesus, get up!" You felt a tight grip shaking your shoulder and your eyes flew open, reading to attack whoever it was. Andrea. It didn't look to bright outside so you figured it couldn't be later than 6am. You shook free of her grip and sat up.


"Have you seen Daryl? He's not in his tent?" You felt a flash of heat rush across your face as she stared at you.

"Seriously Andrea? Like are you kidding me? Its how early? Why do you need him?" She just continued staring at you.

"Unlike you, I go out on runs, and I need his help today. Not that I need to report to you, but it was Shane's idea."

"I don't know, okay?" She rolled her eyes and stormed off out the tent. You lay back down and stared at the tent room. 

"Is everything okay between you and Daryl?" You turned to look at Carol whispered.

"I think he may be sick of me. I mean, Andrea's right, I don't go out on runs, hell I just drag this group down, it wouldn't be surprising if he was. I guess those two are better suited anyway. Whatever. I don't care." You closed your eyes to stop the tears threatening to spill. 

"You do though." Her words felt like they hung in the air, knowing Carol was right.

"I know." You felt a tear roll down your cheek. 

You made your way from Dale's RV over to the house, staring at the ground. You saw Daryl's tent from the corner of your eye, and Andrea stepping out. Honestly, you had never been able to stand her, you couldn't figure why Dale was so caring for her, she never showed any emotion for him. She glanced at you and made her way to the RV. Daryl stepped out behind her and his eyes locked on yours. You just raised your eyebrows and quickened your pace to the house. You could hear footsteps behind you and knew he was following you. As you got to the door of the house you started opening it when a hand came forward from behind you and shut it again. You turned slowly and Daryl's face was only inches from yours.

"We need to talk." Your heart dropped at his words. He gestured to the bench at the end of the porch, and you slowly made your way over. As you sat, you made a point to look anywhere but at him. He sat next to you and you could just feel him staring at your.

"I get it, you don't need to tell me." Your voice was shaking and as you looked up at him, his eyebrows were knitted in confusion.

"Tell ya what?" 

"That you and.. that you don't really want to do this anymore." You motioned between the two of you. He just stared at you, incredulous.

"The hell makes ya think that?" You stood up and stared won at him.

"Andrea? What am I supposed to think? I get she's pretty as hell and you've probably got way more in common than we do. Besides, you've barely spoken to damn words to me this past week." You threw your hands in the air as you finished. He surprised you by letting out a small laugh and pulling you down onto his lap.

"Fuck Andrea." 

"She'd probably enjoy that.." you mumbled. His grip around you tightened, and he let out a deep breath. "I need to go Daryl. I'll ah, talk to you later 'bout it." He let you go, and you made your way to the kitchen to help Carol.

Dinner that night was a festive occasion, Shane and Carl had gone out and caught a deer; it was the first time any of us had had meat in at least a week. You all sat around your campfire chatting loudly and you found yourself continually glancing over at Daryl who seemed to be keeping to himself. 

"Just go talk to him." You looked at Carol and she elbowed you in the ribs. 

"Damn, okay, calm down." You got up and made your way to Daryl. His eyes followed you as you plopped down on the hard ground beside him.

"I ain't screwin' around with Andrea, 'd never do that to ya." He said slowly. You knew it was true. 

"I know, i'm sorry. I was just jealous." He snaked an arm around your waist and started kissing your neck.

"She ain't nothin' compared to ya." His whispered lowly in your ear. You felt goosebumps over your arms and heat rushing to your cheeks. He pulled back and placed a kiss on your forehead, as you grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers together. 

"Well look what we have here!" You looked up to see Rick grinning down at the two of you. They all knew the two of you were a thing, it was just a rare sight to see you showing affection. You saw Daryl roll his eyes, letting out a laugh. You watched the others as one by one they retreated to their tents, leaving only you and Daryl alone. The fire had died down to mere embers leaving a slight chill to the air. 

"Guess we should call it a night." you sighed. The two of you stood and you pulled his face down, landing a kiss on his lips as his hands gripped your waist and held you close. You pulled your face back and trailed kisses down his neck. You heard a groan leave his lips, and you pulled away from him grinning. 

"Well, goodnight love." He stared at you with narrowed eyes as you turned to make your way to your tent. He pulled you back, nudging you in the direction of his tent,

"I don't fuckin' think so."

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now