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Hand raised, fingers wrapped so tightly around the cool metal they ached. Ragged breathing and narrowed eyes, your mind was a blank as you stared down at the trail of blood flowing from the jagged bite.

'Please.' The voice was a mere whisper in the night. He was suffering and you knew it. The humane thing, hell, the pact you had all made was to not let one of your own turn; yet you found yourself conflicted.

A simple supply run had turned into a disaster after being overrun by the undead with them flooding all the exits of the department store. You had become trapped in a janitorial closet with your now dying friend and it now rested on you to help him. The yells of your remaining friends echoed around the store as you could hear them continue to battle with the walkers.

You crouched down to inspect the bite, square in the middle of the shoulder. Amputation would be impossible, even if you had others to aid you. The yelling behind the door ceased and you could finally focus. The vivid image of the bite marks and the ever falling blood searing its way into your mind. You felt a soft pressure on your wrist, eyes falling onto your dear friends hand softly wrapped around yours. Squeezing your eyes closed, you felt a single tear fall. Breathing in, picked up the gun once again holding it to the man's temple. 

'I am so damn sorry.' Your voice shaky as your finger squeezed the trigger.

The gunshot was near deafening in the confined space, seeming to echo time and time again. Your breath hitched in your throat as the door burst open revealing several of your people with flashlights and raised guns. A single tear rolled down your cheek, as utter silence engulfed the room. 

'(Y/N)?' A soft voice sounded behind you, disturbing the peace. You stood slowly, holstering your gun in the process before turning to face the others. Your eyes danced over each of their faces before stopping on Daryl's. His eyes wide and stance tense as you stared at him. 

'It's fine, it's done.' With that, you took a step forward, watching as they all parted for you to get through. You kept your eyes trained on the ground as you made your way through the store, stopping for nothing until you were out into the blinding sun. You began pacing, hands raised to your head as though you could push out what you'd just done. 

You don't know how much time had passed since you killed your friend, but you soon heard the slamming of car doors and low conversations. You stopped your pacing and looked towards the vehicles you had arrived in to see Daryl making his way over to you slowly. You knew this was the point you should probably break down; cry and hell- scream even. But you didn't. You were numb and cold. Daryl stopped several feet away from you, and you closed the distance, passing him as you headed for the cars. You needed to be alone and you didn't stop until you had slid into the backseat of one of the cars, door shut and eyes closed as you rested your head back. Nobody said anything as the engine came to life and the door across from you slammed shut as Daryl got in. You could feel his eyes on you yet you kept yours closed, instead focusing on your breathing as you felt the car begin to move. 

The ride back to Alexandria was dead quiet aside from the low engine noise. You had hoped to fall asleep but you couldn't get the images from your mind; the pleading in his eyes, the fear, the bit- that fucking jagged, almost black teeth mark. You hadn't noticed the car had stopped until you felt a hand on yours and your eyes slowly opened to see you were back in front of your own house. It felt alien like it should be different but alas, it was the same and it felt like the only thing that hadn't changed. You inhaled deeply as you glanced up at the owner of the hand. Daryl's eyes never left yours as he stepped to the side to let you out. You moved slowly, as you stood, gripping his hand in both of your as you did. Neither of you said anything as he slowly led you into the house you shared and to the couch. As you sat, you heard a loud knocking on the front door. You ignored it, glancing over at Daryl as he made no effort to open it either. 

'Daryl? I need to talk to you.' You recognised the voice as Carol's, as she knocked again. Your eyes followed Daryl as he muttered something unintelligible before he turned quickly and went to the door opening it. He softly uttered something to Carol, before closing it and joining you on the couch. You felt a slight prick in the corner of your eye as everything just crushed you at once. Daryl opened his arms and you crawled onto his lap, burying your face into his chest and the relentless tears wetting his shirt. He didn't say anything, simply holding you tightly and rubbing comforting circles into your back. 

Eventually, the tears dried up but the two of you continued to sit like that until the sun had long set and your breathing evened out.

'Daryl?' He simply hummed in response, softly kissing the top of your head. 'I.. killed. My friend. I'm a monster. I-' He pulled back from you, arms still wrapped loosely around your torso as he stared at you, eyes narrowed.

'Ya helped him. Stopped him from sufferin'. Was the kindest thing ya coulda done. Ya can't think like that or it'll destroy you.' His voice was firm as he watched you process. 'Hell of a thing but it had to be done. I promise you ain't a monster.' He pulled you close again and you raised your head slightly to press a kiss to his jaw. The corner of his mouth pulled into a smile as he bowed his head and his lips found yours.

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now