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v.  to set or place together, especially side by side.


Crouching low behind the windowsill, you waved your hand for your friend to come up beside you. The two of you had been occupying the house for the better part of a week until you figured out your next move, but as the two of you stared at the men outside, you guessed you'd need to be leaving sooner than you thought. Their car idled out front of the neighbouring house, before it cut off and their doors creaked open. You glanced at your friend, eyebrows knitted together.

"What do we do?" Your voice was hushed as you glanced back out the window. It had been just the two fo you from the start, knowing each other long before the apocalypse. The two of you hadn't encountered other people in at least a month with the last ones you had trying to steal your supplies and weapons. 

"I don't know.. stay here, I'm going to grab the bags just in case. Whistle if anything happens." You watched as she crawled into the makeshift bedroom, your heart starting to flutter. You watched the two men, before your gaze shifted to the house a few doors down.  A horde of roughly six walkers had rounded a house and were making their way down the road to the men. One of them unsheathed a long knife and nodded in the direction of the walkers. The second man stepped out from behind the car and you noted his crossbow, as he loaded it and propped it up to his chest. The walkers were within 10 meters when an arrow soared through the air, hitting the head of a walker with pinpoint accuracy. Another walker went down, and the two men walked forward, striking the remaining walkers with the same accuracy until the street was clear once again. The man with the crossbow said something inaudible and they made their way into the house next to yours. 

They had been out of sight for several minutes when you heard footsteps behind you. You spun, knife raised, only to see your friend walking out with two bags in her hands. Lowering your weapon, you stood and made your way over to her. 

"They're next door, I think we need to go. Now." 

"We can't go out the side door, it's bolted from the outside. The front.."

"We're gonna need to activate stealth mode then." The two of you shared a small smile and you made your way to the front door. Sliding the bolt open, you opened the door slowly and peered out. The porch was surrounded in shrubs, skewing your view of the street. "Head left, away from them." She nodded, stepping past you and down the small steps. She crouched and motioned for you to follow. 

"Oi!" You froze, staring down at your friend. Fuck. "You armed?" The voice was getting closer. You watched as your friend rose, removing her knife and holding it in front of her. You could see the shadow of one of the men inches from her.

"Just this." You ducked down and stepped forward till you were at the top of the stairs, hidden from the men. She turned her head slightly in your direction and shook it once.

"Ya alone?" The other man sounded to be further away. 

"I.." her voice cracked and she looked down.

"We ain't gonna harm ya. Just wanna know ya ain't gonna try and jump us." You walked down the steps slowly, shielding your eyes with your hands.

"It's just us." You looked at the man. He had a buzz cut and a slightly unbuttoned shirt revealing a silver 22 necklace. Buzz cut turned and jerked his head in your direction, and the man with the crossbow walked closer. 

"I'm Shane." He raised a hand, gesturing at the other man. "Daryl. Why're the-" 

"Dixon?" You stepped forward, cutting Shane off. He was the same rugged man you had met and fallen in love with, only now his hair had grown out and he had a more defensive look about him.

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now