short sighted

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Through the rifle scope, you had the head of an unknown man in the cross-hairs. He was accompanied by another man, completely unaware of your presence. You were perched atop a building you had been residing in, and you were going to protect the damn thing with all you had. You were short sighted, and without the aid of the rifle scope, there was no way you could clearly see further than a meter ahead of you. You had a pair of glasses on your kitchen table, but you rarely used them in fear of breaking them. 

You slowly took in the surrounding area through the gun before turning back to the group. You noticed a group of roughly twenty or so walkers making their way down the road, currently out of view of the group. Glancing beside you, you had several hundred bullets, and you pulled a few out of the box, filling the clip with them. The strangers had seen the walkers by the time you turned back through the scope. They took a couple out when you let out your first shot. It went straight between the eyes of a walker. The two strangers ran to your side of the street, presumably taking cover from you. As you took the last walker down, you began packing your bullets back into your satchel when you were struck over the head. You fell backwards, knocking your head on the concrete. You saw a man looking down at you before your eyes shut leaving you in darkness.

Your neck was stiff and your arms were numb as you came to. Slowly, you raised your head and saw you were in the living room of your home. As you tried to pull your hands in front of you, you turned slightly to see you were tied to the radiator. Well fuck. You'd bolted all your doors, the only way in being up the side ladder onto the roof. You winced at the tightness of the rope on your wrists, pulling them harder to get undone.

"It's pointless. Ya may aswell give up." You glanced up, the blurred image of someone across your living room was all you managed to see.

"You're trespassing." Your words came out strong aside from the fact you were scared shitless and you internally applauded yourself.

"You shot at us."

"I did no such thing." You looked down into your lap, feeling a burn in your wrists.

"You alone here?" You swallowed, wincing at the pain you had caused yourself.

"Daryl, come here a sec." Your eyes shot up at the sound of another mans voice. "I don't know if she can see you." 

"Bitch shot us, she can see me fine."

"Then why does she have these?"  They found your glasses then, you only prayed they wouldn't break them. You swallowed the lump in your throat and turned your head to where their voices were coming from.

"I only tried to help you. Please. I need my glasses." You heard soft footsteps coming at you, the face of an asian man becoming clear as he knelt in front of you. He pulled out a knife, moving loser to you. You tried to move further back but there was nowhere for you to go.

"Relax, i'm just going to cut you loose. We aren't going to hurt you." 

"You already knocked me out.." The Asian cringed, a blush rising to his cheeks. You froze as he moved to your side. The rope around your wrists became limp and you pulled your hands into your lap. You noticed a smear of blood along your left arm, cradling it in your right. The Asian moved back in front of you and handed you your glasses. Quickly, you grabbed them and slid them on. You looked up and the face of the first man became clear. He was the one you had first seen through your rifle scope. He was even better looking up close. You stood up too fast, swaying slightly as the Asian steadied you. He led you over to a chair near the other man.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" You simply nodded, pointing to the bathroom. You watched as he walked away.

"How can ya shoot without those?" You turned to the first man, raising your eyebrows.

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now