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The seemingly endless sound of gunshots echoed from every direction, yet there seemed to still be an infinite amount of the undead continuing their invasion. It was a pointless venture to try and stop a herd of this size, but you had to at least try. Your sanctuary, your home- that faded white farmhouse- was what felt like your last chance of a semi-civilised life and now that too was going to be snatched away by the ruthless bastards that took everything these days. To say it wasn't fair was an understatement. 

A shrill yelp pulled your attention and you took a quick look behind you at Lori and Beth fighting off a few of the walkers. You raised your gun and shot the walker right in front of them before turning your attention back to the oncoming ones. You had already gone through half your ammo and your heart was starting to speed up by the lack of an impact it had had. You took down several more before your gun clicked. Empty. Again. Cursing, you ducked as a walker lunged at you, retrieving your knife and taking it down. You took off running towards a nearby shrub, crouching as you reloaded your gun. Finished, you stalked forward, making better use of your knife and taking the walkers down.  The glare of headlights stopped you in your tracks and they swerved in front of you, the back door flinging open. 

'(Y/N), get in!' You stared at Maggie's scared face for a split second before Glenn leant out the passenger window and fired off a shotgun round, taking down the walker right beside you. Without another thought, you ran to the car, almost jumping in as you slammed the door behind you. Your shoulders heaved, adrenaline coursing through you as you attempted to catch your breath. You remained silent as Maggie hit the gas, the car seemingly headed for a track off into the forest. 

'Where are you going?!' Your eyes widened as you leant forward between the front seats. Surely she wasn't leaving? It was her own house for christ sake. Neither of them said anything for a moment, until the car delved past the treeline onto a dirt road, the farmhouse hidden by the foliage.

'It's gone. There's too many of them and there's nothing we can do.' Your breath caught at Maggie's words, staying silent as you processed that. As far as you knew, everyone you loved was still back there. But the truth to her statement also hit a note of clarity. The farm was gone.

'What about the others?' Your voice was soft as your mind continued to process, 'What about Rick? Lori? .. Daryl?' Your voice broke on his name. You knew he'd be okay but that still didn't stop your heart from sinking the slightest bit. 

'We can't go back.' You watched as Glenn and Maggie exchanged a quick look, and for a second you were envious that they at least got to leave together. Screw Daryl for always being the one that had to leave to protect everyone.

'The highway. Where we set up the stuff for...' You stared at Glenn as his voice trailed off, obviously not wanting to say her name. 'If anything, that's where they'd all go, right?' It seemed logical, and Maggie must have thought the same as she took a sharp left sending you crashing into the side door. You groaned as she shot you an apologetic smile and you simply shook your head as you slowly pulled on a seatbelt. 

The sun had begun to break over the forest, softly illuminating the surrounding greenery as you stared out the window, your mind a blank. The low conversation between Glenn and Maggie halted as she made a final turn, the carn peeling from the dirt track onto the bitumen. The masses of abandoned cars loomed closer and closer as she slowed the vehicle, all of you scanning the nearby area for your people. The car came to a complete stop several meters from the 'meeting spot' and you each took a moment before open the doors and cautiously stepping out. You hand fell to your gun, resting loosely on the handle just in case. Glenn turned to you and nodded, before making his way forward. You all stopped in your tracks as you heard a familiar low southern drawl, though you knew it wasn't the right one. 

'Rick?' Maggie called softly, immediately reaching for her gun. You all froze as you saw the familiar face of your leader step from behind a car, followed closely by Carl and Hershel. Maggie let out a soft sob as she ran to her father, Glenn close behind. You quickly made your way to Rick, sharing a quick embrace before you stepped back, a slight frown on your face.

'Where's everybody else?' Your voice was cautious, not wanting to get too hopeful. 

'We've been here a while. Y'all are the first. If ya hadn't shown up-' He was cut short by the low throttling of an engine, drawing all of your attention back the way you'd come. A motorbike, no, his motorbike was slowly weaving through the cars followed closely by a pale blue ute. Your stance faltered as you swayed slightly, a hand flying to your mouth. You didn't move until both the engines cut and you watched as Daryl stepped off his bike, helping Carol as she gingerly lowered her feet to the ground. Her eyes shot up to you, a slight smile engulfing her small features before your eyes fell back on Daryl. He was now looking at you and you let out a deep breath as he took a step forward. A tear pricked your eye as you made your way towards him,  felling it spill over as you reached him. In an instant, he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, his face buried into your neck as he held you. You pulled your head away for a moment before placing your hands on either side of his face, a smile spreading across your lips. The corner of his mouth turned up as he lent down, his face mere inches from yours until you closed the distance. The kiss was soft as your lips moved with his. He pulled back, his lips trailing along your jaw before grazing your ear.

'So fuckin' glad ya safe baby.' His voice was low and full of relief as you let out a small laugh, ducking your head as you slowly stepped from his embrace.

'You too Dixon.' The two of you turned to face the rest of the group as his arm snaked around your waist, holding you close. 

'We gotta keep movin', ther've been walkers crawling all over this area.' Your eyes glanced at Rick as he stared down the road, his voice low and bordering angry. 

'Moving where?' Lori stepped forward, raising her hands to rest on Carl's shoulders, fear resonating in every syllable. Rick stared at her for a moment, before glancing over each remaining remember of the group.

'East.' How reassuring, what the fuck was east? The group remained silent before the sound of glass cracking seemingly echoed around you. You all turned to look back down the road, a lone walker stumbling his way towards the group.

'Yeah, 'n stay off the main roads. Bigger th' road the more assholes like this.' Daryl's voice was firm as he dropped his arm from you and grabbed his crossbow, swiftly taking down the incoming walker. The group all seemed to unanimously agree, whether they voiced it or not and soon you were all making your way back to the vehicles you'd arrived in. As you stepped away from Daryl, his hand caught yours and he pulled you back simply shaking his head. You shot him a questioning glance before he simply kissed your forehead and nodded towards his bike.

'You ride with me.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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