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Aside from the sound of the crunching dead leaves underfoot, there was an aura of silence suspended over the group. Nearing the edge of the forest, you took note of the small township you were to spend the night in. Trailing ever so slightly behind the group, you couldn't help but notice how well everyone seemed to get along, and then there was you. You often found yourself bringing up the rear of the group, sleeping off to the side alone with one exception. You and Daryl seemed to drift towards each other, and you simply figured it's because he felt a sense of responsibility for you. You'd been with the group since Daryl had found you on a street in Atlanta eight months ago, and maybe you were just being touchy, but you felt as though the group thought of you as more of a burden than even a friend. 

You stopped a few feet away from the small circle the group had formed, kicking the stones at your feet when Lori came to your side. You hadn't spoken much, in fact the only time you had was when you had accidentally stumbled across her and Shane screwing around in the forest and she had threatened you not to tell anyone. 

"Any plans of what you're  future holds, (Y/N)?" You looked over at her, eyebrows furrowed. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I was just thinking, maybe you'd be better off on your own, you seem quite content with being alone."

"Actua-" She shot you a stern look and lowered her head so to be level with yours.

"Tonight will be a nice night for you to go on a nice long walk, I'm thinking east, and if you head far enough, who knows, you could find a nice little place to call your own." With that, she walked over to Rick, draping an arm around him and glancing at you over her shoulder. You'd never considered going off on your own, you had been before they found you and to be frank, you weren't doing so great. Looking down, you began kicking a small rock around until it hit someone's boot. 

"Ehh sorry." You looked up to see Daryl glancing over at you. He smiled a small smile before kicking the rock back over to you, then making his way over to Rick. Together, they walked over to a diner, before banging on the window. Silence ensued, leading Rick to wave the rest of you over. 

As darkness fell outside, the conversations inside faded and you were sure everyone was asleep. You knew Lori was right; it would be better if you were on your own and once you came to this conclusion, you strategically chose a spot closest to the front door. Standing, you hoisted your satchel over your shoulder and tiptoed to the glass door, gently pushing it open. The cool breeze hit you hard, leaving a trail of goosebumps on your exposed arms. Letting the door close quietly behind you, you were surprised when the smell of cigarette smoke flooded your nose. You looked to the corner of the building to see Daryl, a cigarette in his hand as he blew out a cloud of smoke. Of course someone was going to be on lookout. He leant against the corner of the building, and you backed up a few steps in the opposite direction. In doing so, you accidentally kicked a pebble causing it to scatter across the ground seeming to echo around the entire town. He looked up, bringing his crossbow to his side when you raised your arms in surrender. 

"Th' hell are ya doin'?"

He took another drag of his cigarette as he waited for your response. You knew what you were doing, yet when he asked, your reasoning seemed trivial. 

"Leaving I guess.." Your voice was a mere whisper in the night, your words seeming to linger in the air. He let out an audible sigh before dropping his cigarette to the ground and treading it out.

"C'mere." Stepping slowly, you made your way over to him and dropped your bag. He surprised you by slinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in closely for a moment. "Why're ya leavin'?" 

"I think it's for the best. For me, for everyone. I don't think i'm really needed around here, just another mouth to feed." 

"So ya just gonna risk it by yaself?" The same empty feeling that used to flood your body even before the apocalypse slowly made itself known. It felt as though someone had tied an anchor inside of you, and it just kept dragging you deeper until there was nothing left for you to feel but the numbness that the darkness promised.

"It's for the best Daryl." He ddin't say anything, instead, dropping to the ground, patting the spot next to him for you to sit. As you sat, he pulled out another cigarette, pausing to look up at you.

"Ya mind?" You shook your head, leaning against the cool brick. The flicker of the lighter illuminated his face for the slightest moment before disappearing. "Ya might not feel needed, but you're wanted." You let out a dry laugh at the statement, remembering Lori's talk to you before as you turned to face him.

"Daryl, Lori all but told me to fuck off today, and maybe that's not such a bad idea. I spend all my time here by myself anyway, so why not do it out there when it's because there's no one else, instead of staying here and being alone because I'm just not wanted?" Your voice cracked at the end and you internally kicked yourself. 

"I ain't lettin' ya leave (Y/N)." You rubbed your face with your hands, attempting to control your annoyance.

"Why the fuck not Dixon?" 

"Fuck it." He flicked his cigarette and stood, puling you up with him. Before you could say anything, he gently shoved you up against the wall, his lips landing on yours. You froze for a second, before wrapping your arms around his neck, running a hand through his hair. You felt his arms around your waist, seemingly pulling you as close as possible. 

"Ya ain't leaving." He all but growled into your ear, kissing your neck softly. "I need ya 'round. Ya pretty much th' only good thing 'bout this hell."

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now