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He sauntered up to you, confidence radiating off him. All eyes turned to look at him, the way they did even before the apocalypse. A beauty like his wasn't something people saw everyday, especially now. He stopped in front of you, but directed his attention to the group behind you.

"Welcome to Woodbury. They call me the Governor. You're safe here, but only as long as you follow the rules we have in place. Please, follow Milton here and he will show you to your living arrangements and inform you." Safe was something you hadn't been in a while. You had stumbled upon the town after days on the run. Since walkers had overrun Hershel's farmhouse, you were alone and you had no way to know if the others were safe. 

Weeks had passed and you found yourself feeling at home at Woodbury. The people were lovely if not somewhat oblivious to what beyond the walls really held, but nonetheless, they welcomed you. It was a quiet evening and you were sitting up on the wall, making light conversation with the guards when gunshots echoes through the small town. You stood up, peering hopelessly into the dark behind the buildings. Smoke was erupting from one of the buildings and you jumped down from the wall, unsure of how to help. There was yelling as a door was pulled open and a small group of people ran onto the main road and started running in your direction. Bullets were flying and smoke was filling the streets. 

"Rick! Behind you!" You eyes shot to the source of the voice but you couldn't see who it was. It couldn't be the Rick you knew, at least you highly doubted it. You ran down the length of the wall where a few of the group had started to climb over. As you were about to step onto a ledge to get up, a hand gripped your forearm tightly, spinning you around.

"Who the hell are you?!" You looked up at the familiar face and you gasped. "(Y/N)? Holy hell, come on!" It took you a second to comprehend what he had said, but as he shoved you up the wall, it registered. It was Rick. 

Bullets continued in your direction and as you jumped down the outside of the walls, you felt a sharp pain in your side. You doubled over, gripping your hip in pain. 

"We have to go, come on!" You staggered forward wincing as your shirt rubbed over what was sure to be a entry wound. Rick took off into the forest and you followed behind, struggling not to run into any trees in the dark. After running for what felt like miles, Rick started to slow, and you could see the others had formed a loose circle around a car ahead, waiting. You slowed to a walk when they came into sight and applied pressure to your hip. It felt like you were on fire, whilst being torn open by blunt knives. You looked up at the sound of someone arming their gun. 

"Stop right there." You stopped and looked up, recognising the voice to be Glenn's.

"Lower your weapon, it's (Y/N)." You slowly walked forward to Ricks side. 

The sun had risen long ago, illuminating the road ahead. You had seen nothing but forest for the past hour so as the car began to slow, you peered out the front window to see an old prison. The gate opened and the car picked up speed again, driving up into what seemed to be a courtyard. The car was shut off and everyone piled out, including you. You hadn't spoken much, it took all your energy not to scream out in pain. You turned as you heard the sound of Daryl's motorbike pulling up. He shut the engine off and turned to face you, a strange look on his face. Tears welled in your eyes but you didn't dare move. What if things had changed between the two of you? The last thing the two of you had done was fight before the farm was overrun. You took a deep breath and as you took a step forward, you collapsed, darkness flooding your vision. You heard yelling and fast-approaching footsteps before your mind slipped, lulling you into a sleep. 

You could hear hushed voices and your eyes flew open in panic as you sat up. Light filtered in through a high window and your head spun. You were cold and confused. Closing your eyes, you prayed for the head-rush to pass quickly, before opening your eyes, adjusting to the brightness. You looked around frantically, confused about your surroundings. The previous nights events flooded into your mind, taking you a moment to comprehend. You attempted to stand, but your left arm was handcuffed to a metal bedpost. 

"Hey! Somebody? Help me!" Carl appeared in the doorway, staring in at you. "Carl? Why am I handcuffed? Whats happening?" You felt a tear slide down your cheek and Carl frowned.

"We just.. had to make sure. In case you didn't make it. If you turned.." Your face dropped and you looked down to see a large gauze over your hip. 


"I'll go get dad. I'm glad you're back (Y/N)." You smiled a small smile and watched him run off. You weren't in much pain anymore, presumably Hershel had fixed you up. You looked up at the sound of low voices echoing. Rick appeared in the doorway, flanked by Daryl. 

"Glad to see ya awake. Sorry about the cuffs.." Rick said as he made his way toward you to unlock them.

"Its okay, Carl explained. I get it." One freed, you stood up. Rick eyed you, as though he were afraid you might collapse again. He looked up at Daryl and nodded, hugging you quickly before he left. You looked up at Daryl and sighed. "I didn't think i'd ever see you again." He slowly walked toward you, stopping about a foot away. His face softened and you closed the distance, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your face into his chest. You felt his arms wrap tightly around you as he kissed the top of your head. Neither of you moved for a few minutes till you felt a sharp pain in your hip. You pushed away from him, looking down at the blood smearing the gauze. "Piece of shit." You grumbled. 

"Come on." Daryl grabbed your hand softly and led you out of the cell and out into an open area lined with sacks of food and weapons. He sat you down at one of the metal table, before walking to grab what looked like a first aid kit. You laid down on your back as he returned, pulling up your shirt to expose the gauze. You closed your eyes and winced as he removed the tape holding the old gauze down. 

"How long have you guys been here?" 

"A couple o' weeks. Finally got us a place t' call home." 

"Ow!" You shrieked as he applied a liquid to your wound.

"Sorry princess, but ya know ya were shot?" You had suspected as much. You didn't say anything for a while as he continued cleaning your wound.

"I didn't think i'd ever see you again.." Your voice cracked and you coughed lightly in an attempt to hide it. "It just.. hurt, to think the last thing we did together was fight. I'm so sorry, Daryl." He moved so he was looking down at you. 

"I knew ya'd be alrigh'." He leant down and kissed your lips longingly. Your hand reached up and combed through his hair, pulling his face closer. You felt him smile into the kiss, before he pulled away. You frowned and he  rolled his eyes as went back to applying a new gauze to your wound. His touch was so gentle, you didn't realise he had finished till he pulled you up into a sitting position.

"I... I love you Daryl." You looked down, avoiding eye contact. It was the first time you had told him, and you mentally kicked yourself for not telling him sooner. He moved to stand in between your legs, placing a finger under your chin and tilting your face up. You met his beautiful blue gaze and he leant in close.

"I love ya too, Princess." He ducked his head and kissed your lips once again, pulling you closer to him. 

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now