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Rustling of plastic behind you caught your attention as your turned your attention from your lookout duty to Glenn, who was struggling to open packaging for something. The two of you had known each-other long before the apocalypse, working at the same pizza parlor. He confided in you about everything, and when he knew he wanted to propose to Maggie, he came to you for help. You were the one that found a ring for her and gave him a pep talk, assuring him she'd say yes. He was the first one to find out about you and Daryl, respecting your wish to keep it a secret, even though you knew how hard it was for him to do so. He eventually cracked one night weeks later, but you didn't care.

 After struggling with the packaging for a minute or so, he pulled out his knife and started stabbing the corner of the package.

"If you cut your finger off, just know i'm gonna be pissed as hell." He looked up at you, back at the packaging, and handed it to you.

"Here you go then." You rolled your eyes and inspected the packet. It was an instant camera. A smile spread across you features as you held out your hand for his knife. He handed it to you and you slipped it in the side of the packet, careful not to damage the camera. Sliding the knife down, it broke the seal and the casing opened. You held the camera up excitedly and turned it on. 

"Ready for the first selfie in a year?!" Glenn cheered and stepped to your side, pulling a face as you held out the camera and pressed the button. The camera whirred and slowly a square of photo paper slid out. Glenn grabbed it and fanned it around for a moment before holding it close to his face.

"You look absolutely mental, its amazing!" You snatched the picture from his hand and observed. He was right, though to be fair, you both looked equally insane. "I am so keeping this (Y/N)!" You rolled your eyes laughing and handed him back the camera. Glenn ran off down the stairs of the watch tower and you resumed your perch on an old stool in the tower, watching a couple of walkers flock in from all directions. 

As the sun began setting, Tyreese came and relieved you of your guard duty. You headed indoors to your cell, passing Glenn and Maggies on the way. You stopped and turned, knocking on the bars of their cell. Maggie appeared, pulling back the curtain, beckoning you to enter. Glenn was staring down at a picture he had taken of Maggie, and she rolled her eyes at it. 

"Can I borrow that camera for a sec?" Glenn looked at you with a knowing look on his face.

"Want a photo of lover-boy, hey?" 

"You're joking, but you're not wrong." 

"Damn, well, good luck at getting him to agree to that." Glenn handed you the camera as Maggie burst out laughing. You rolled your eyes, grinning, as you left for Daryl's cell. 

He pulled open the curtain and pulled you inside, kissing your cheek in the process. You sat cross-legged on his bed and he dropped next to you. You held up the camera for him to see, and his eyebrows knitted together.

"What the hell is that?" 

"Best be ready to smile, Dixon, its picture day!" He grimaced and pulled his pillow over his face. 

"Glenn, aye?"

"Yep, no sit up and smile with me." He didn't move, so you leant over and pulled the pillow from him, throwing it across the room. He stared at you, before sitting up and attacking your neck with kisses. You couldn't help your self, you held up the camera and got a photo before he could protest. The flash went off and he hid his face behind you. 

As the photo slid out, you waved it,staring at him and smirking. He just shook his head at you as you inspected the picture. It was adorable. You'd managed to capture it right as he kissed your jaw, and you both looked so happy. 

"Not bad, not bad at all." You held the photo out for him to see, and he took it cautiously. He looked at it for a few moment before smiling. 

"Only keepin' it cause you look beautiful in it." You smiled at him as he propped it up on the box beside his bed. 

The next morning you awoke in Daryl's cell to an empty bed. You stretched out and looked around, the photo missing. You internally cursed at him if he had thrown it out. You spent the day helping out Rick in the fields, taking a break when you saw the car drive up with Daryl and Michonne in it. You and Rick met them in the courtyard where they were unpacking a box of baby formula and some other tinned goods. You eyed Daryl and he smirked at you. You grabbed a box and followed beside him indoors. 

"Did you get rid of that photo?!" He didn't respond until he put down a box on one of the tables. He reached into a pocket in his vest and pulled out the square.

"Nah, I know you'd kill me if I did. 'Sides, I told you i'm keepin' it, it's my new favorite possession."

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now