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n. a person or thing providing protection.

You heard the yelling before you saw the source. As you round the corner of Hershel's farmhouse, you saw Daryl and Shane getting all up in each-others faces. They both had a temper, so the rest of the group had learnt to just let them get it out, with Rick being the only exception. He was the only one able to stand between them and stop it. Shane said something too low for you to hear, and Daryl backed up as though he were about to walk away. He quickly turned and landed a punch straight on Shane's jaw. Shane stumbled back a few steps but regained his footing and prepared to lunge. Rick caught the force of the blow and pushed Shane away, ushering him away from Daryl. You watched as Daryl shook his head before walking off in the direction of the forest. 

You winced as the twig under your foot cracked, seeming to echo around the quiet forest. There was no way Daryl didn't know you were following him, and if he didn't he was one lousy ass hunter. You'd maintained at least a ten meter gap between the two of you, and not once had he turned to look at you. You slowed your pace when you heard the familiar growl of a walker as it stumbled toward you. Patting your pockets, you couldn't feel your knife and your heart beat sped up. A flash of silver caught your eyes as the walker went down, causing dead leaves to fly up around it. You bent down and pulled it out, turning to see Daryl with a slight smirk on his face. He raised his eyebrows at you before turning and walking off again. Sighing, you trailed after him, shaking the blood from the knife.

You could see a body of water ahead surrounded by wild flowers. Daryl stopped and you made your way to his side. Without saying anything, you held out his knife for him. He looked down at you and slowly grabbed it from you, sliding it into his sheath. He watched you as you made your way over to a patch of the flowers, kneeling down to pick some. 

"Why'd ya follow me?"

"I wanted to make sure you're okay. What happened back there?" You kept your head down, focusing on the flowers. 

"Nothin'." You stood up, holding a pink petaled flower, and began pulling off the petals. You got to the last one and stared into his eyes.

"Well what do ya know, even the flower thinks your bullshitting." You tossed the flower to the ground and crossed your arms, waiting. 

"Don' like the way he's been talkin' about my girl." You. You were his girl. His words brought a small smile to your lips, but you couldn't help but wonder what Shane had been saying about you. Hadn't you left all the drama behind when the world went to hell? You bent down and picked another flower before walking over to him. 

"What'd he say?" 

"He's a sick idiot, and he ain't got no respect for women. Use ya imagination darlin'." You looked down in disgust, knowing all too well Shane's lack of respect for well, anyone. You took Daryl's hand and led him over to the flowers, dragging him down with you as you sat. You began pulling up dandelions and he simply watched as you tied them together.

"Thank-you." Silence fell over the two of you as you closed the flower chain. You held it up proudly before placing it on your head. He pulled you into him, kissing the top of your head, before you both got up and headed back. 

Nearing the farmhouse hand-in-hand, your story from your childhood was cut short when Shane approached the two of you, calling out your name. The two of you ignored him and kept walking, but you were forced to stop when a hand grabbed your shoulder. You dropped Daryl's hand and turned to face Shane.

"Get ya hands off o' her." Daryl's voice was low and he already looked pissed. Shane's hand didn't move, instead, he looked you up and down, his eyes lingering on your chest a second too long. 

"I need to talk to (Y/N). Privately." You stared him down, crossing your arms over your chest.

"I'd rather not talk to you, no offense." 

"I don't give two shits if you do or don't girl." 

"Manners didn't die out with the rest of the population, you know."

"Shut ya stupid mouth. Ya only got it for one reason, and it ain't to voice ya dumb opinions." 

"You're such a piece of shit Shane." Before you could react, he slapped you. Daryl pulled you back and lunged at Shane, knocking him down. He landed blow after blow on Shanes face until his nose started bleeding. 

"Don't ya ever lay a hand on her again, or I will fuckin' kill ya." Daryl stood and walked with you into the house, beelining for the bathroom. You sat him down on the edge of the bath and knelt down in front of him. He refused to meet your eyes; still looking pissed as hell, as you grabbed a wet cloth and began cleaning the blood off his knuckles. You stood and tossed the dirty cloth into the bucket in the corner. He stood and looked down at you. You placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled his lips down to yours.

Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now