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Floorboards creaking under your boots, you cringed at how eerily quiet the house was. Making your way down the long hall, you couldn't help but notice the multiple family photo's featuring smiling families and beloved pets. Rapping lighting on the last door of the hall, you quickly turned the knob and pushed the door open. It was a rather elaborate bedroom, seemingly untouched by the destruction of the world outside. Walking in, you couldn't help but note the floor to ceiling bookshelf, packed tightly with literature of all sorts. Crouching down, you pulled out several books, from the lower shelves, stacking them beside you. As you were scanning the back of a hardcover, the floor behind you creaked. Dropping the book, you spun around to see Daryl lower his knife and stepping into the room. He whistled lowly at the bed, before walking over and flopping onto it.

"Fuck me, think we can fit this in the car?" You shook your head slowly before turning back to pick up another book. Pulling it out, the shine of plastic caught your eye. Ducking down, you reached in and retrieved a rather large ziploc bag containing green buds and a packet of rolling paper.

"What the..." You heard Daryl cough behind you and you turned to meet his smirking face.

"Ever done it?" You looked down at the bag, turning it over in your hands. You hadn't, but your closest friend did, you couldn't understand the appeal of it.

"No. You?" He simply hummed in response, getting off the bed and making his way to the doorway, offering you a his hand.

"Best head back." Grabbing your bag, you took his hand and he pulled you up. Your face was mere inches from his before he looked away, heading out of the house.


Leaning back in your seat, your head rolling to the side, you stared at Daryl. He was focused on the road, eyebrows furrowed over whatever he was thinking about. His gaze snapped to you before you turned away.

"What?" You looked out the window, watching the trees race by in a green and grey blur.

"What do we do with it?"

"What do ya wanna do with it?"

"Don't know."

"Why'd ya keep it?"

"Thought it might help me sleep. Used to knock my friend out pretty good." You turned your head to look at him, biting your cheek. An near inaudible sigh left his lips, silence falling over the two of you once again.


As night fell, you lay in your bed, far from falling asleep. Your thoughts kept wandering back to your findings thinking of the sleep it could bring you. With the ziploc tucked tightly in your jacket and a lighter you'd found in your pocket, you crept out of your cell, making your way to the stairs. You heard light snoring float out of several of the cells as you passed, and you rolled your eyes at their slumber. Heading down the stairs, you froze when you saw Daryl and Hershel emerging from Rick's cell. They both glanced up at you, Hershel sending you a small smiling before heading to is cell. Daryl crossed his arms, eyeing you up and down. You felt your cheeks reddening, and you thanked the lord it was relatively dark. Dropping your head, you made your way past him, heading out to the courtyard. You knew he was following you, though he didn't say anything as you stepped outside. The night was pleasingly warm, and you turned to face him.

"Goin' somewhere?"

"I just want to sleep."

"I know. Come on." You followed close beside him as he made his way to the watchtower, holding the door open for you. You made your way up, stopping at the top and unzipping your jacket, pulling out the bag. You suddenly felt self conscious- you didn't know what you were doing and dear god you didn't want to embarass yourself in front of him.

"Please don't laugh at me." Retrieving the lighter, you held it all out to. He took it, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Promise I won't." You nodded, following him onto the balcony of the tower. He sat, leaning his back against the cool metal and you copied. You watched as he pulled out the rolling paper from the bag, efforltessly filling it with the drug before rolling. He made it look so simple, leaving you curious about his past. He paused before slowly turning to you, placing it in your hand.

"Ever smoked anythin' before?"

"No. Can you uh... light it?" You felt a wave of embarassment wash over you but he simply nodded his head. You watched him raise the joint to his lips, flicking the lighter to life. A pale orange glow cast over his face, and you found yourself smiling. The glow dropped as he placed the lighter on the ground, the end of the rollie illuminating as he inhaled. Pulling it away, he exhaled a cloud of smoke, watching as it faded away. He held the joint over to you, and you took it, your hand shaking slightly.

"Inhale only a lil'." You looked at the thin stream of smoke trailing off the end, eyes narrowing.


"Jus', drag it into your mouth, then breathe in." You nodded, and as you drew in the smoke, the bizarre flavour flooded your tastebuds. Lowering the smoke, you breathed in, feeling the trail of heat run down your throat and filling your lungs. It was unlike anything you'd ever felt, and as you breathed out the smoke, you felt a small smile dance across your face.


As he inhaled from the second joint of the night, you found yourself in a state of total peace. Your mind just felt like a cloud,as though it were light enough to simply float away. You inched yourself closer to him as a slight chill encased the air.

"Did you do it alot? Before?" He tilted his head down to look at you, his face ony inches away again.

"Merle was a dealer, was jus' surrounded by it. He used to throw these big parties an everyon' was drinkin' but... I didn' like who I became when I drank, ya know? So he gave me weed to chillout at 'em. Didn't do it all th' time, but still, enough." His gaze drifted as he turned to face away, and you simply nodded your head. He handed the joint back to you, and you inhaled slightly when a thought crossed your mind. You exhaled,

"Daryl?" He turned his attention back to you, awaiting. "I really want to kiss you right now." The words tumbled from your lips before you fully realised. Clamping a hand over your mouth, you watched as a smirk spread across his lips. He shook his head lightly, extinguishing the joint before leaning his face close to yours.

"Go on then." Your eyes widened and you could feel your heart racing. Turning your body to face his, you placed one hand on the ground beside him as you leant in, your eyes glancing down at his lips. You closed the distance between you two, his soft lips moving in sync with yours. You pulled away slightly, attempting to catch your breath when he moved his lips to your ear.

"Ya have no idea how longi've wanted to do that." A full grin spread across your lips and you felt his arms wrap around you, pulling you into his embrace as he placed a kiss on your neck. 


Imagines // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now