[Scene Nine]

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Somehow we managed to fall into a taxi, a tangled web of limbs and drunken laughter and Harry directed the bored driver to his rented house. It was tucked away on an isolated corner, surrounded by nothing but the dense green forest and surprisingly modest. 

We stumbled up the driveway, Harry's arm wrapped around my waist to stop my unruly legs from giving out. I couldn't stop giggling at Harry's expression, one eye scrunched shut, one open, as he tried and kept on failing, to unlock his front door.

When we staggered inside and into the small, cosy kitchen, Harry immediately busied himself with pouring us two full glasses of wine, as if we needed any more alcohol. As soon as we'd drained the bottle, talking and laughing while we did, any logical thoughts about what I was doing went out of the window. 

I was sat on the small sofa, my legs resting on Harry's thighs and his thick blanket swaddling me. We were now onto some old, dusty bottle of whiskey found at the back of a cupboard, which tasted horrible but did the job, and the wine bottle was littered on the floor, the last drops of red liquid spilling out and spreading across the carpet. My head felt heavy and empty of thoughts, just the way I liked it. 

"Harry, are we going to drunkenly fuck each other?" I bluntly asked. My filter had disappeared along with the vodka I'd consumed and the words coming out of my mouth weren't approved by my brain any longer. 

"I don't know." He slurred. 

"We probably shouldn't." I said. "But I kind of want to. Don't you?"

He looked at me, his pupils blown up and his eyes glassy. He was cradling the bottle like a newborn baby, and picked it up to swig from it before replying. 

"So fucking bad."

"It's all I can think about now." I said candidly. I really hoped that when we woke up the next morning, neither of us would remember this moment. 

"Don't think about it then." He replied plainly, but the way our legs were touching and how I could feel every movement in his body, made it very hard to stop. 

"Distract me. Let's do something that isn't sex." I told him, my brain somehow thinking that it was a logical solution. This was what I did when I was drunk, come up with half baked solutions to problems and carry them through while completely and utterly out of it. 

"Let's make cupcakes." He suggested, in that carefree way drunk people do, like nothing is impossible and everything is within reach. 

"Okay." I replied instantly, like baking in the early hours of the morning is normal. "Let's make cupcakes."


I was covered from head to toe in flour, and stirring a bowl of something that looked nothing like cake mixture. We'd had to improvise, as Harry had no eggs nor the right kind of sugar, and I barely remembered the recipe I'd been taught as a child, so I had a feeling the cupcakes weren't going to turn out as cupcakes. 

Along the way, Harry had discovered another bottle of something vaguely alcoholic and we'd been swigging from that, trying to stay as numb and drunk as we could. Trying to forget about the consequences. 

"Give me that." I said, grabbing the bottle from Harry and sipping the burning liquid, letting the alcohol erase away any sober thoughts. 

"We should have music on." He said, lurching over towards the stereo and pressing play. Immediately a guitar started to strum and I recognised the tune of 'Cigarette Daydreams' by Cage the Elephant, which coincidentally was one of my favourite songs. 

"You can drive, all night.." We both sang along. "Looking for the answers in the pouring rain."

I still had the wooden spoon in my hand and the bowl in my elbow, twirling around the small kitchen with bare feet and not a care in the world. I dropped everything onto the counter, reaching out my now empty arms towards Harry, who was at at the table watching me. I crooked my finger at him, indicating for him to join me but he shook his head. 

I danced over towards him, and pulled him up, linking my fingers through his and placing his hand on my back. We slow danced up and down the little room and I rested my heavy head on his chest, locking my arms around his neck and closing my eyes, inhaling his scent. A mix of alcohol and something no word could describe. It smelt like safety and I found myself almost falling asleep in his arms, to the beat of my favourite song. Was there any better place to be in the world?

"If you can find a reason, a reason to stay." We both sang quietly. "Standing in the pouring rain."

The song finished, and so did my consciousness as I fell asleep within seconds, as drunk people do, with Harry's warm arms wrapped around me. 


Sunlight filtered through the blind, casting a warm glow around the room and waking me from my deep sleep. I had to open my eyes slowly, peeling them back one by one and I groaned a little as they adjusted to the brightness. My head was pounding and my mouth tasted like whiskey. I wanted nothing more than a cold shower. 

It was hot in the room and the sheets were tangled around my waist, causing a thin sheen of sweat to be covering my.. fully clothed body. I was still in my sheer black shirt, albeit more rumpled, and my miniskirt was rucked up around my waist. 

I tried to sit up, but was restrained by something around my waist. I felt panic rising in my throat as I turned to see who's arm was slung around my body. 

Of course, it was Harry and when I peeked under the covers, after wrestling his arm away from me, I could see he too was clothed, at least on his bottom half. His torso was bare and I could see every tattoo decorating his chest and arms. 

I tiptoed around the room, searching for my shoes and praying that Harry would remain asleep. I was just about to exit the bedroom and look downstairs when his snores subsided and he groaned, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He propped himself up on his elbows and stared at me like a deer in headlights, as surprised to see me in his house as I was. I was half in and out of the room, paused in the doorway like a thief being caught red handed. 

"Did we...?" He asked.

"No." I replied. "At least I don't think so."

"Ah, okay." He said and an awkward silence settled over us. I searched for something to say.

"Can I take a shower before I go?" 

"Of course. The bathrooms opposite." 

I escaped into the bathroom and took a deep breath. Trying not to think about the night before, I switched on the shower and stepped in after shedding my rumpled, used clothes. As the water ran down my body and woke me up from my hungover state, I attempted to logically think about what to do. 


oh look, I didn't upload last week and this chapter's really short. I'm sorrrrrry, but I was away this weekend on a trip, and it took me a while to write this. 

but I had a really hot instructor on the trip I went on, and he was cute, nice and we shared the exact same taste in music. I could have sworn we had a flirty convo about foals and imagine dragons, and when his supervisor came over he kind of stepped back a little, like he wasn't meant to be talking so much to me?? never going to happen, but it was still nice!

anyway, hope you liked this, let me know if you did and please vote!

-eden xx

edit: also, I'm going to try and update again in the week if I get time!

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