[Scene Fourteen]

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warning- sexual content ahead ;))

Sunlight filtered through the car windows, tiny specks of light dancing across Harry's bare forearms. I watched him drive; the tiny crease between his brows, one hand gripping the steering wheel and another resting on my knee. He had refused to tell me where we were going, insisting that it was to be a surprise. 

As grey buildings faded to green fields that stretched to the horizon, I turned to Harry. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, for what felt like the hundredth time. We'd been driving for at least an hour, chatting now and then, but mainly listening to the music playing softly out of the radio. 

"We're nearly there," He reassured me, squeezing my knee just a little. I hid the small gasp that left my mouth and instead concentrated on the scenery outside. 

As I'd never visited England before the town names displayed on signs held no meaning to me. I had no idea where our destination was. 

But then we crested a hill and the green sea came into view. It stretched for miles, as far as I could see. 

"We're going to the seaside?" I asked Harry joyfully, practically bouncing in my seat. 

"Yes." He grinned. "I used to come here when I was a kid. It's kind of run down now- there's barely any tourists. But I still like to visit when I can."

"It's lovely," I said truthfully. Cliffs bordered the empty beach, with thin twisting roads painted across them. The car rumbled downwards towards the tiny square of car park and we parked quickly, thanks to the lack of people. 

I slipped out of the car. It was June and although the sun was bright, a cold wind brushed across my bare legs. 

Harry popped the trunk open and searched around for something, which he found and pulled out. It was a picnic blanket- he rolled it up and tucked it under his arm. 

"Ready to go?" He asked, outstretching his hand. I slid my fingers between his and smiled as a warmness ran through my body. 

"One second," I said, leaning on him as I slipped off my shoes. I could feel the sand between my bare toes and I let nostalgia wash over me. 

"Good idea," Harry said, doing the same. 

We walked barefoot across the sand, listening to waves crashing on the shore. It felt right; my arm threaded through Harry's and the salty, sea air slipping in and out of my lungs. It was one of those moments- those moments you want to pause and hold close to your heart- those moments you never want to end. 

"Here?" Harry asked and I nodded. He unrolled the blanket, laying it onto the sand.

He sat down first, sending me a cheeky grin before pulling me down. We ended up in a heap of limbs, tangled together. My cheeks flushed and his green eyes brightened. 

"Gosh, sand really does get everywhere." I laughed, shaking my head and watching yellow grains fall about. My laugh stopped short as Harry's hand reached up, gently plucking the sand from my hair. 

"There you go." He said softly. 

I could feel his heart beating against my chest, his lungs breathing underneath me and his bare legs twisted with mine. Time seemed to slow as our hearts beat to the same drum and our breathing became one. I wasn't sure where my body ended and his began.  

His lips were nearing mine; so tempting, so close. But then a seagull cawed uncouthly, and with the horrible sound came common sense. The rules still applied- no dating within the crew. 

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