[Scene Eleven]

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I looked into the full length mirror, my confused eyes staring back at me. I was wholly unprepared for whatever lay ahead and it taken me twice as long to get ready in my shocked state, as I'd wandered around my room in a kind of daze, picking up and putting down clothes. 

Finally, half an hour later than I should be, I was ready in a simple denim skirt and black t-shirt, adding fishnets as a last minute decision. As I slipped on some shoes, I couldn't help but wonder what in the hell was going to go down at dinner. I was half expecting it to end in a fistfight, or Dad being soaked by Mum's drink. 

For the past three years, she'd always diverted around the subject of our father, as it was simply too painful for her to think of. And that was understandable. He'd determined his career more important than her and left, leaving her behind with a broken heart and broken kids. I may have forgiven him, but I found it hard to believe she had. 

A sharp knock on my door brought me back to reality, and when I swung open the bland hotel door, Ozzy was stood there, a smile on his face. I could tell that underneath the happy expression he was holding, he was just as nervous as I was. 

"You ready?" He asked and I took a deep breath. 

"As ready as I'll ever be."


He was late as per usual, and I could tell we were all getting a bit fidgety as we awaited his arrival. Ozzy kept excusing himself for cigarette after cigarette, Diego was tapping repeatedly on the table while Mum sipped her wine more often than she should have been. Even the twins were getting whiny and impatient. 

"Where is he?" Ozzy hissed as the waiter came over to ask if we wanted more drinks, and I quickly ordered a large glass of wine. I shrugged it off, but underneath I was angry. Mum was reaching out to him and he couldn't even be bothered to turn up?

10 minutes later, there was still no sign of Dad and I was starting to get seriously annoyed. He was perpetually late, but under the current circumstances, he should have made the extra effort to be on time.

A chair scraped back, the loud screeching noise cutting through the heavy silence weighing down on our table. I looked to my right, and saw Ozzy stand up, purpose and anger in his eyes. 

"I'm so fucking done with this." He spat, kicking back the chair further before storming out of the small restaurant. Immediately I stood up as well, determined to follow him, but I was halted by Mum's hand, gently resting on my arm. 

"He needs to be alone darling." She said softly.

"No he doesn't. The last thing he needs is to be alone." I said, sharper than I needed to be. But I was the one to comfort Ozzy, to hug him close after he'd ruined his body with yet another night of drinking and smoking, to pretend with him that we were all perfectly fine.

He hated being alone. He needed me. 

So I left too, walking quickly out of the restaurant. I was halfway across the lobby of the hotel when Dad passed me, sweat inching down his forehead and a panicked expression on his face. 

"I- I- the car-" He panted, but I shook my head, too focused on finding Ozzy than listening to his excuse. 

"They're in the restaurant." I said plainly, moving past him and further into the hotel, knowing exactly where Ozzy would go. 

The small courtyard in the middle of the hotel was cold and deserted; apart from Ozzy, huddled in a corner, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. As soon as I reached him, I pulled him into a tight hug, inhaling the familiar, safe scent of smoke and musk. He sighed heavily into my hair, his tense body finally relaxing in my grip. 

"I don't think I can sit through a dinner with him." He said. "I'm not ready to do that yet."

"Okay." I said simply, pulling back from the hug to stroke his cheek affectionately. "Let's go grab some McDonalds instead. I'm starving."

"Do you think McDonalds sell tequila?" He pondered and I stifled a laugh. 

"God, I've missed you."


Harry's POV

I'd been wandering through the hotel for the past 10 minutes, trying to find the restaurant where I was meant to be meeting up with a few members of the cast. Hordes of teenage girls were camping outside the building as I'd driven up from my house, so the back entrance was the only option and now I'd completely lost all grip on where I was. 

For the last few minutes I'd been going down narrow corridors so when I saw them opening up, I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned the corner and stopped stock still. 

Windows screened the whole wall, but it was what I'd seen through the window that had caught me off guard. I was overlooking the courtyard, and in amongst the green bushes, India's blonde hair glowed. 

She was wrapped around a guy. A guy who looked tough and sad, with a cigarette drooping from his mouth. She reached up to stroke his cheek and I had to turn away, my stomach bubbling in unexpected anger. 

What right did I have to feel angry? I barely knew the girl, although she'd made quite the impression with her lips that felt so right connected to mine and her smile that made my whole body feel warm and tingly. 

The way she'd danced around my kitchen, bare feet against the tiles and her eyes closed in glorious happiness. I'd never forget the vision. It stayed with me wherever I went. 

But she didn't care for me, that first kiss had clearly been a mistake in her mind and every second she had to spend with me she seemed to try and get out of. Only when she was completely and utterly drunk, she had let down her guard and that night I'd thought I'd seen something in her eyes. Something that had given me stupid hope. 

Looking down at her body tightly tangled with another, that hope's flame flickered and died. 


hey! I updated! nearly a month late! sorry!

hope everyone's having a good day, sorry I didn't update but I've been crazy busy. school etc. ugh. 

how are you guys?

-eden xx

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