[Scene Nighteen]

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We filmed in LA for only a few days; they flew by in a blur of fetching coffee, running wildly around set and missing Harry like crazy. He facetimed me twice a day but a blurry, small version of Harry didn't compare to the real one. I ached to feel his arms wrapped around me again. 

I was just getting ready for bed when my phone started to vibrate, indicating an incoming call. As soon as I saw Harry's goofy profile pic light up the screen I pressed the green call button. 

"Hey babe," He said, the screen a little jerky. Even through the bad quality, my heart jumped a little in my chest at his wide smile. 

"Hi," I replied, my face mirroring his golden grin. "What you doing up at this time? Isn't it like 7 am over there?"

"Up early, love; 'm going to the gym," He said. Instinctively my tongue ran over my lips. Judging by Harry's body, he went to the gym often. And thoughts of Harry's body always led to... 

"God, I miss you," I said. I moved into the bathroom, bringing Harry with me and propping the phone up on the counter, which allowed me two hands free. 

We chatted while I got ready for bed: pulling my hair up, brushing my teeth, washing my face. All the while we continued to talk. Somehow we never ran out of things to say to each other. 

"So what you doing now?" Harry asked. 

"'Bout to take a shower then go to bed. We're flying home tomorrow night." I said. Instantaneously Harry's friendly smile turned into one of his famous, sexy smirks. 

"Why don't you just leave the phone here while you jump in?" He said. The positioning of the phone was perfectly placed so that Harry would easily be able to see the shower, and me inside of it. 

"Yeah, okay," I said nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. Harry's eyes widened in response, obviously not expecting me to go along with it so easily. 

Slowly, teasing him a little, I inched down each shoulder of my dressing gown, almost giving him a virtual strip tease. With each sliver of skin that was revealed, Harry's throat visibly gulped, his adam's apple bobbing. 

Just as the thin fabric reached my top of my breasts I bent over, giving Harry a plentiful view of my cleavage. His face leant closer to the camera like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

"I'll see you in Jamaica you horny bastard," I said, sending him a wink. Then I pressed the red hang up button, laughing at the joke I'd played on him. 

I climbed into the shower but when I got out there was a text from Harry. 

This bed feels extra empty now. I cannot wait for you to get to Jamaica, you cheeky girl. Missing you- Harry xx

I went to bed with a huge smile on my face, dreaming about white sand beaches and Harry's lips on mine. 


It was around midday when Dad pulled me into a quiet corner for a chat. He looked excited, eager to tell me whatever news he had. I was in a good mood after a call from Harry so I grinned before he had even said anything. 

"I have something really exciting to tell you," He said, practically jumping from anticipation. 

"What? What is it?" I asked. For a minute my still optimistic mind wondered whether he and Mum were getting back together. They seemed closer after starting to chat every day, but that was a childish dream that I knew deep down wouldn't come true. 

"It seems that Chris- Chris Nolan- has taken a liking to you," Dad said. "He wants you to intern directly with him on his next movie. I mean, not interning like this but like, properly learn cinematography."

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