[Scene Fifteen]

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this is literally just a chapter full of smut- if you don't want to read just skip after reading the first para :)

I was glad that obliviousness ran through my family like a gene that no one could shake off. Mum, Ozzy and Diego didn't show any sign of noticing a difference between Harry and I, although it felt like the sexual tension was so thick I could feel it slipping through my fingers.

The three of them sat in the back seat, crammed together happily and chatting about the day they'd had. I tried to put on a facade of normality but it felt like there was a barrier between the front and back seat that only I could see. They were blurred and muffled while Harry alone stayed in sharp, painful focus.

I reached forward to turn up the volume on the radio just as Harry did the same, resulting in our hands brushing against each other for one, measly, burning second. I coughed awkwardly while Harry's mouth turned into a knowing smirk.

I shifted in my seat, painfully aware of every atom in my body.

The long car journey ambled by, loitering and lingering. All I wanted was to get back to the hotel and sneak into a room with Harry, finally completing the one action I'd been wanting and denying myself for so very long. His hand moved to change the gear, his long fingers weirdly sensual. I nearly jumped out of my skin as one of them drifted along the edge of my thigh.

I shot a quick glance backwards, relieved to find the three of them too enthralled in a conversation about the university gardens to notice anything that was going on right before their eyes.

Then my eyes turned to Harry, whose hand hadn't strayed from its position on my thigh. His sight remained on the road, his body relaxed and calm like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. But we both knew it was.

It took incredible willpower to lift his hand from my leg and move it back to the gearshift, sending him a disapproving look that clearly said, 'not here'. It felt like he left a cold palmprint behind that reminded me of the loss of his huge, warm hands.

"Scone?" Mum said, offering both me and Harry one. I hoped she didn't notice how we both jumped like a murderer being caught red-handed.

"Ah- I'm good thanks, Mum," I said.

"Here we are," Harry said, pulling smoothly into the car park of the hotel. Anticipation ran through my veins like a drug, leaving behind a burning path that tingled against every inch of my skin. It was finally going to happen; that collision of sweaty, thirsty bodies tangled together in beautiful oblivion. That act of passion us humans seemed so painfully obsessed with.

And it was going to happen with Harry- a person who I had been determined to hate, to loathe for no other particular reason than his fictional whorish reputation. But somehow he'd weaselled his way into my heart with his sea coloured, kind eyes and a soul bursting at the seams with goodness.


"See you in a little while, yeah?"

Harry's words echoed through my mind as I walked down the hallway, my bare feet padding against the thick carpet. He'd whispered it into my ear, mouth sliding against my skin, after we'd subtly shuffled Mum, Diego and Ozzy into their rooms.

I'd been as quick as possible getting ready- it had only taken half an hour for me to prepare my whole body, and also my mind. Nervousness thrummed through my veins.

My fingers curled up into a fist and knocked impatiently on Harry's door. With my last few lonely seconds I checked my outfit; my best pair of underwear underneath a rose coloured silk robe. I was glad that it was late and no one passed me in the corridor because it would be extremely obvious where I was going and what for.

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