96 (GerItaPan)

219 6 5

Ludwig, Feli, and Kiku get together to have many movie nights with each other.

They will watch a movie from one of their's countries movies or find one together that they like.

At the end they usually find themselves in a group cuddle on the couch.

(...7k reads....700 votes.... Wow. I never have expected so many people would like this- let alone read this.

Honestly, when I first started, I legit thought headcanons were writing prompts. (But honestly, they are good bases/ideas to write about.)

So if you call me stupid or idiotic for thinking that, it's fine, I beat myself over that.

But honestly, you don't know how good I feel when all of the sudden your notifications are saying that your story is in someone's reading list. So thanks guys. Really. Thank you.)

Hetalia Headcanons created from my brain.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat