Not Just Another High School Love Story

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My names Akira Tanaka, I'm a second year high school student but its my first year at Ouran High School, I'm an honor student but,.... I'm Punk-Rock (Yes that means like the Ramones), Im not from a rich family but im very smart! (Intelligent is the meaning of my name  :3) So thats the only reason Im in a school like this, but I just have a feeling the preppys are going to love a punk drummer in their school

The thing is Im a girl, but Im enrolling as a guy, I dont want to wear a fucking dress, so I made a suit that looks like Gerard Ways suit in im not okay, (I LOVE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE) but I kept the white shirt, tie, and shoes. But the crest on my suit is the same as the schools. I cut my hair to Gerard Ways Im Not Okay hair, It was scary with my black hair and the suit , I looked just liked Gerard Way, its was fucking scary.....  After I was dressed I put my eyeliner on, yes guys wear eyeliner that are punk. I Grabbed my MCR messenger bag and ran out the door.

I had a deep voice that sounded like a guys and Im flat as a new paper (If you know what i mean by flat.... I have small boobs). So that helped with the guy act.


At School

I looked on the slip of paper I was given, it simply said "CLASS 1-A" I found the classroom and sat at the way back, I looked at the window behind me it reflect my image back at me, a guy/girl with raven hair, deep dark blue eyes, and a very pale complexion, and drumsticks hanging out of my pocket. Out of the corner of my eye I saw twins, they had Orange hair, when they saw me looking at them they came over and introduced themselves, "Hi Im Hikaru!" said the twin with his hair parted to his right and a deeper voice than the other twin whos name was Kaoru which had a higher voice and had his hair parted to the left. Then they told their friend Haruhi to come over, i knew the girl was in the same situation as myself,but I didnt say anything to "him", he told me he was also an honor student. I said   "Im Akira Tanaka, Im a honor student, new student this year. And also im a musician."   The high pitched twin said to me "I see your a drummer, and whats with the eyeliner?"  In a very soft voice i said "I dont know i just like it"   "Leave him alone!" Hikaru said to Kaoru.

Later in class my 3 new friends came over and said "So um Akira youre good looking, so you wanna join the host club?" A puzzled expression appeared on my face. Haruhi said "Its where girls go to get treated well by guys, and by treated well I mean you have to be romantic to them. Hmm you'd be the bad boy type. Is that ok with you?" I nodded, I said "Sure Ill join, but where does this club take place?" In sync they all said "MUSIC ROOM #3" as they were skipping out of the room, I relized what the hell I got myself into.

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