Christmas Eve

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(Drummer here! Sorry this is up after Christmas, I mainly type on my phone but I'm going to do more computer because it works better and its faster to type. Sorry this is late! You guys are awesome!)


I am taking Hikaru out on a date for his Christmas preasent tomorrow, but right now the host club is having a party and its gonna storm, Im afraid of storms but no one knows about it, I wont hide in a wardrobe like Haruhi but I will hide somewhere. I just don't want them getting worried about me. "Hey Akira do you like my cosplay?!" I hear Rengie screech from behind. (I DONT KNOW HOW TO SPELL HER NAME DEAL WITH IT, I wuv you guys ;3) "Uh who are you supposed to be?" She was wearing a blue bikini suit and a blue bow. "DUH! Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail!" She said with an angered expression painted on her face. "Well you dont look like it..." she then stormed off with no response.

I saw the dark clouds come over the horizon, I started to get nervous. But I calmly joined the host club at their gathering, "Akira-chan finally came!" Honey screamed, and as I guessed, he was standing near the sweets. This was a host club party so that meant that there are girls, ooh yay... (note the sarcasm). I wore a gray suit with a purple striped tie, but the shoes were not dressy, they were a pair of black high top converses. I'm not the classy type as you can see. "Akira, Honey, come here so we can get this thing started!" Tamaki yelled from standing on a little stage-type thing. We casually walked up there giving small waves to the girls as we walked by, and of course they totally freaked out and fangirled. "Welcome to the Host Club luau! We hope all of you girls enjoy yourselves! And whoever dances will get serenaded by Akira! Good luck and have fun!" Kyoya said, I shot both Tamaki and Kyoya daggers then walked over to them angrily. "I never agreed to this!" I said while grinding my teeth (because of the anger). "Yeah but girls love your music, it will bring in more costumers." Kyoya said as he was scribbling something into his little notebook or whatever the hell he calls it. "UGH whatever!" I said, I walked away from them and went over to Hikaru. "You look handsome!" He said to me. "I thought I was a girl, and more importantly your girlfriend!" I punched him in the shoulder jokingly. He gave me a peck on the lips, just after that Rengie popped up and screamed "Oh my! The yaoi!" and then she went back to her own business. "I guess she doesn't know the bad boy is actually a girl." he said with a chuckle on the end. "I have to go, love you!" I said while walking away. "Love you too!" he happily replied. I could never bring myself to tell him my fear of storms, not even then.

"So how are you fine lady's enjoying the party?" I said to the girls by the drinks table. "Oh it's great, but we are so anxious of figuring out who gets serenaded by you Akira!" said the taller sunkissed skin girl with brown eyes. I scratched my neck awkwardly and spoke. "Heh ya..." "You don't seem to be so happy about that Akira." said the small chubby girl. "Of course I am, I love music!" I said with the cheeriest voice possible to get out of me. The all smiled and walked away from me leaving me alone. The sky made a huge crack of thunder, and I needed to find a place to hide, I noticed a spot under the deck where no fencing was places. I ran and put myself under the deck. I got into a fetal position and started to wait until the storm got over.


I noticed something was wrong with Akira, she didn't act the was she usually did. She trembled and every so often her voice cracked when she spoke. Was she afraid of storms? I have a massive crush on the girl but Akira has Hikaru as her boyfriend. I couldn't bring myself to tell her I like her, no scratch that, I love her. "Where's Akira?" I asked Tamaki in my monotone voice as I scanned the crowd. "I don't know but we need to find her because we need to pick the girl who gets sung to soon." Tamaki replied. I ran over to the Hitachiins and asked them, they didn't know either, Hikaru had a scared look painted on his face and Kaoru had a concerned one on.

I ran to the front of the hotel and heard whimpering coming from under the deck. I looked and sure enough Akira was there, rocking herself back and forth singing Green Day songs I believe. I crawled under with her, squeezing myself to get under because of my height. Her frail tiny body was trembling because of fear. "M-Mori why a-are you here." she asked as she looked up at me, my gray eyes meeting her beautiful blue orbs. "Everyone's worried," I said to her. "you're afraid of storms aren't you?" "Mhm." She mumbled then nodded. A crack came from the angry sky, she squealed and she lunged at me and pulled me into a hug. I patted her head. "Lets go out, everyone is worried sick." she couldn't walk because of the fear so I carried her bridal-style to the rest of them. "MORI WHY ARE YOU HOLDING AKIRA LIKE THAT?" Hikaru screamed at me. "She couldn't walk." I replied. She nodded then said "You can put me down now I'll be fine." I then set her down.


I was set down on my feet by Mori-senpi. I was then engulfed in a hug by Hikaru, he had tears welling up in his eyes, his voice was all shaky as he said "What happend." "Ok I need to tell you something, I'm afraid of storms..." I said to him. "How come you never told us?!" he replied with the tears now gone. "I was afraid I would get laughed at..." "Don't ever do that again!" he said as he released the hug. "I won't." I said with a small smile on my face.

~Time skiiiiip!~

"Karen Jones is the one who will get sung to by the wonderful musician Akira Tanaka!" Kyoya said to the audience of girls. It was the tall girl with the sunkissed skin. I chose the song Always by Panic! At The Disco. She sat down and I handed her a rose. I then started to sing and play the acoustic guitar.

"When the world gets too heavy

Put it on my back

I'll be your levy

You are taking me apart

Like bad glue

On a get well card

It was always you

Falling for me

Now there's always time

Calling for me

I'm the light blinking at the end of the road

Blink back to let me know

I'm a fly that's trapped

In a web

But I'm thinking that

My spider's dead

Lonely, lonely little life

I could kid myself

In thinking that I'm fine

It was always you

Falling for me

Now there's always time

Calling for me

I'm the light blinking at the end of the road

Blink back to let me know

That I'm skin and bone

Just a king and a rusty throne

Oh, the castle's under siege

But the sign outside says, "Leave me alone."

It was always you

Falling for me

Now there's always time

Calling for me

I'm the light blinking at the end of the road

Blink back to let me know

(It was always you)

Blink back to let me know

(It was always you)"

She was blushing at the end of the song and I kissed her hand. Heh, I'm not bad at doing this stuff!


And there you go! I hope you guys enjoyed!

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