Akira The Killer

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AKIRA'S P.O.V. (it's a dream)

'I had bloodstained hands in which a katana was resting in one and my pistol in the other. Dead bodies were scattered everywhere, a crazed smile was on my pale face. I was laughing like a madman, my blue eyes showing only one emotion, insanity... "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT NOW ASSHOLES?!" I screamed into the air. I walked through the field of bloodstained body's. Naming each one then laughing at it, at the back of the field I saw a group of people I knew, The host club. Their dead eyes still looking in fear. Kyoya and Haruhi had simple deaths, just a gunshot to the head. Tamaki and Honey had been stabbed in the stomach. Mori and Kaoru died painfully, blood loss, they were shot from behind. Then Hikaru had slashes all over is body, a gunshot wound to his heart. He looked as if he was trying to stop me before he died. I fell to my knees, tears falling from my eyes then mixing with the blood on my body. I killed him, the only person who ever loved me was now dead. I was a cold blooded murderer. I took the katana stabbed it into my stomach then took my gun and shot myself as I said "I love you." to his dead body.'

I woke up, tears were running down my face and I was breathing hard. Hikaru woke up, as soon as he heard me whimpering he pulled me into a hug. He started rocking me back and forth and sang a lullaby that I didn't even know.

After I calmed down he said "Did you have a nightmare Akira?" I nodded to him. He kissed me on the forehead. "What was it about." he asked with a caring voice. I told him what happened. "Wow I didn't expect it to be that bad..." he said while looking out the window. "Well I told you I was a psychopath..." I said to him. "Akira you're not!" he said to me with anger in his voice. "If you're going down I'm going with you!" he said to me while picking my head up with his finger to make me look him in the eye. "I love you Akira Tanaka, whatever happens to you I'll be with you at your side." he said to me. "I love you too." I started crying again because no one ever said anything like that to me before.

We then went back to sleep, at least tried to. "Akira I can't go to sleep." he said to me while rolling over to look at me. "Nor can I, how about we watch some TV?" I asked him while he grabbed the remote. It was 5am so it wasn't that early. "You want some tea?" I asked him. "Sure." He responded. I went over to the kitchen and made some tea for us. I went back to the bed with two to-go cups full of tea. We watched a TV show that had a couple getting married. "That'll be us some day!" he said to me. "I hope so!" I said then kissed him on the cheek. The show started to get boring so I finally said "Can we pleeeeeeeaaaaaseeee watch sometyyhing more interesting than this stuff?" "Sure but there's nothing on." he said while he scrolled through the channels. "Ooh stop!" a ghost hunting show was on. "I love ghost hunting!" I said to Hikaru who was finishing up his tea. In the middle of the show the people were looking in the woods by the place that they were ghost hunting in. Hikaru said "RAWR!" then poking me in the side then scaring me. Reflex made me punch him in the face. "I'm so freaking sorry!" I told him while putting my hand on the spot where I punched him. "Ow, it's ok, it's my fault that I scared you." he said to me. "You are the only guy who has actually cared about me in my life..." I said to him. "I-I am?" he said to me. I nodded. He then put his lips to mine, I felt his tongue wanting to get into my mouth. So I let it in, we fought for dominance. He ended up winning. We finally parted to breathe. "This is the only relationship I've ever been in." I told him. "Same here, the only person I really spent time around was Kaoru." He said as he looked into my eyes. The rest of the morning we just sat around.




"Hey Hikaru I need to talk to you real quick." Kaoru said to Hikaru. "I'll be right back." He said as he got up to go into the room down the hall. I have really good hearing so I could hear everything they were saying. "What's up, why did you want to talk to me?" Hikaru said. "Well I told Mom about you and Akira, she doesn't like the fact that Akira's a commoner. She wants to meet her but she won't trust her until they meet." Kaoru said to his brother. "She doesn't trust me because I'm not a rich person?" I whispered to myself. I stopped listening and put my headphones in, I turned Teenagers on by My Chemical Romance. 'Why would she judge before she met me? Well rich people it kinda figures...' I thought to myself. Just then Hikaru walked out and sat on the bed next to me, he grabbed my hand and started holding it. "Great news my mom wants to meet you!" he said in a fake tone not knowing I would see right through it. "Awesome!" I said in the happiest voice I could get out of me. Thank god he thought it was real. "I'm gonna go get ready." I said to him as I went to go get into my bathing suit. While I was in the bathroom changing I heard a knocking on the door. "Uh who is it?" I asked. "It's Hikaru can I come in." He said and before I could respond he came in. I was naked, he face turned dark red. "I-i'm so sorry!" instead of getting out he turned around and said "Get dressed! I need to talk to you". I put my bathing suit on and said "Ok, I'm fine now." He turned around his face now red but not as bad. He grabbed my hands and said to me. "I knew you could hear what Kaoru said to me. But I'm never going to leave you!" He pulled me into a hug. "Good." I smiled and kissed him.

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