Planning, Packing, and Punching People

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"So Hikaru do want to come over?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. "Sure only if Kaoru can come too, do you mind if we just walk home with you?" Hikaru saying the first part then both asking the question. "Sure that's fine!" I said happily to them.

We walked out of the school, on our way to my apartment, Hikaru and I holding hands and Kaoru giving us the death stare while constantly bugging us. We finally walked up to the apartment complex. My apartment was on the second story, and by the time we got there they were both tired from walking so much. I opened up my apartment only to find a mess left by the twins while trying to find some clothes. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" I said while punching them in the head and then feeling bad that I did that. "I'm so sorry guys!" I picked them up. "We noticed this before, your apartment is only one bedroom, can I ask why?" Kaoru said while rubbing his head where I hit him. I looked down, "Well I'm an orphan, my parents died when I was 12. A fire killed them both." I said that while walking in and picking up the clothes that were strung all over the room. I felt the two twins come next to me. Hikaru giving me a quick kiss on the cheek while his brother hugged me to where it was hard for me to breathe. "What the heck are you two doing!" I said to them as Kaoru let go. "You looked sad, we wanted to cheer you up!" Kaoru said. "Well thanks but it doesn't bother me anymore." I said to them.

I grabbed my suitcase to start packing clothes, apparently these two love fashion so they helped me pack what clothes to wear. After the clothes were packed I got my swimsuit, a black bikini, boys black swim shorts, and a black and red long sleeve swim shirt (long sleeves to cover up my scars from the accident.). They didn't like how it was darker colors but it's all I had. I packed some toiletries, shoes, makeup, and stuff for my phone and laptop. I was all finished packing for the trip.

"So what to you guys wanna do?" I asked them while throwing myself on the couch in my living room. "Can we watch a horror movie?" Kaoru asked me while siting down on the chair next to my couch and his brother sitting next to me. "Sure I love horror movies!" I said while grabbing a blanket, turning on Netflix, and putting the blanket on Hikaru and I. "Here you pick!" I through the remote at Kaoru so he could pick. He ended up picking cabin in the woods which I never saw before. "Wait I need to go change quick!" I said before running out of the room and into my room. I got a pair of flannel pants and a My Chemical Romance tank top an threw them on quickly. I walked back to the now dark living room only to find the twins whispering. "What'cha guys talking about?" before jumping on Hikaru's back playfully. They quickly shut up, and went back to their normal spots. "Okay then... Lets watch this!" I said while snuggling next to my very tall boy friend who still had his eyeliner on. He looked cute with it on, and by cute I meant hot.

In the middle of the movie everything stopped and it went silent. Then the next thing I heard was "BOO!" and I grabbed on to Hikaru. It was Kaoru trying to scare me while the movie was buffering. Hikaru put one of his arms around my body then using the other one to slap his brother. "What was that for!?" he said looking up to Hikaru while Hikaru put his other arm around me to enclose me in a hug. "You scared her!" Hikaru was yelling at his brother. "Haha it's fine. Don't do it again though or I'll get a Blezenef the curse doll to put a curse on you!" I said to him while giggling and letting go of Hikaru.

We finished the movie but it was only 7 o'clock on a Friday night. "So what do you guys wanna do now? Are you guys hungry?" I asked while getting up to stretch. "Actually, yeah I am." Hikaru and Kaoru said in sync again. "Do you guys want me to cook or get something somewhere?" I asked them. "Well, I want to see how my girlfriend cooks." Hikaru said. "Okay, does pancakes sound good?" they both nodded, so I walked to the kitchen and starting cooking pancakes and bacon. Hikaru came up behind me and said "What's cookin' good lookin'?" I turned to him and said "No, just no..." He laughed and kissed me "I was just trying to annoy you!"

Dinner was done and since I didn't have a table we just sat wherever. "Wow these are very good!" Kaoru said to me, with he's brother agreeing. "Thanks it's my moms old recipe." I said to them. We finished up and cleaned up. After that we just watched TV and listened to music.

Before they left Hikaru dragged me into my bedroom leaving his brother I the living room. He started kissing me, it was more like making out. I felt his tongue and he felt mine. After the kiss he hugged me and whispered into my ear "You're going to sleep in my bed with me, right?" I said yes and winked to him, then waved him and his brother goodnight. I was so excited to leave to go to the beach in two days with my boyfriend and my friends!


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