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I walked into the Host Club only to find them wearing clothes that Metalheads and Punk Rockers would wear. I asked them "Why are you dressed like I do, like all punk and metal?" "Because of you Akira! Girls love the way you dress all dark and stuff!" Honey said while eating a strawberry. "Thanks... but I don't have any of my clothes with me." I said trying to get myself out of it. "Not a problem we have some for you!" Tamaki says while throwing clothes at me. It was a Union Jack muscle shirt, a black leather jackets, ripped black skinny jeans, and combat boots. I had this exact same outfit at home so I questioned them "Where the hell did you get these?!" "Oh yes," Kyoya said "since Hikaru knows where you live we sent him and Kaoru to fetch you some of your clothes." "Grrrrrrrrr I'm going to change!" I said with lots of frustration. "Sorry babe!" He yelled from behind. Everyone said "BABE?!?!" except me and Kaoru. He then explained to them "Yeah Akira's a girl, and she's my girlfriend so.... BACK OFF!" I giggled when he said that and he turned to me and smiled. I went into the room where Hikaru found out I was a girl and got changed. Them Haruhi came in and said "Why him? And how you did you keep up the guy act longer than me!?" She said jokingly. I said to here "I don't know I just love him. But the host club are the only people that know I'm a girl. So if you tell anyone, blood will be shed MWAHAHAHA!" Her and I started laughing and then she walked out. I put all the clothes on and reapplied my eyeliner and makeup. "Do I look like one of the Ramones!?" I said giggling as I walked out and a Hikaru said "Yeah you do babe! But could you put some eyeliner on Kaoru and I?" I walked over to Kaoru he was easy to put eyeliner on but his spaz of a brother was a different story. "STOP MAKING YOUR DAMN EYES TWITCH SO MUCH!" I said yelling at him, he looked kinda sad because I said that so, I kissed him and said "Sorry but I'm trying to do this and not mess up." When I was done he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and said "Thanks for doing my makeup, I love you." I just hugged him then it was time to open. At my station since I was the only one who could play a instrument other then Tamaki, I had a drumset, electric guitar, bass guitar, and a microphone. I have this weird stage fright when I play the drumset by myself if I'm in a big crowed I'm fine, I play perfectly. But when I play for a small group I get scared and start playing like crap. Weird right? I only had to play electric guitar for the girls so I didn't have to turn all weird

But after they left Honey clung to my leg and wanted me to play drumset. I was scared so I ran to Hikaru and wrapped my arms around him. "You know, we still want you to play for us, for me please?" He said as he was giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine I'll do it..." I said angrily as I pulled out my new black drumsticks. I just played a random drum beat but, I could play fine, I think it's because my boyfriend was there and if anyone made fun of me he'd flip out on them, and also I know they wouldn't make fun of me. When I was done everybody said I did great. It wasn't my best work but it was okay.

Tamaki and Kyoya had to tell us something so we all sat down. I sat down next to Hikaru, he put his arm around me after I took off my leather jacket. "We are going to go on vacation!" Tamaki said while smiling like the Joker. "Well it's half vacation half work, we are going to my family's new beach resort, we will only be working from noon to 3 pm weekdays and weekends and the rest of the time your off, also we will be having Christmas there. Here are the list of people sharing rooms Akira and the twins will be sharing a room. Rengie, (sorry if I spelt her name wrong) Haruhi, and Tamaki will share a room. And myself, Mori, and Honey will share a room. We will leave in two days. Is that all good, because I'm not making any changes to it. Okay you're now dismissed." Kyoya said while being very serious.

I was going on vacation with my boyfriend!

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