~Chapter 25-Purple sparks~

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You close your eyes, leaning back onto Fresh who adjusted his hat, complaining about how it wasn't working and he needed a new look.

It has been about a month since you've been stuck in the horrid place known as the anti-void. There was nothing to do except stare at the dolls hanging from the ceiling. Lucky for you, Fresh had come to see you everyday. You two have become best friends. Yeah, Sans was your best friend too, but Fresh just understood you more. Weird, but true. Though, you knew something was wrong with him. Sometimes, he would frown or mumble under his breath. Other times, you would see purple sparks from under his glasses. He never took them off and you never knew why.

"Hey, Fresh?" You speak up, catching his attention.

"Yeah, fam?" He answers, leaning into your back as you leaned onto his.

"Do you think Papyrus will ever find me?" You sigh, feeling dread wash over you.

He probably didn't even notice you were gone. Fresh turns to face you, grabbing your shoulders and shaking them.

"He better flippin' come to get you, or I'll bust you out of this totally unradical place myself!" He smiles, making you grab his shoulders in return.

"Y-you could get me out of here?!" Your eyes shine with hope.

"Pffft, totally." He nods, making you hug him.

"Why haven't you said something before?" You pull away, hitting his forehead with your palm.

"Error is so uncool, and he would probably have my awesome head on a plate, bro."

You snicker at his choice of words, rolling your eyes and smiling.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Anything for my totally, rainbow-tastic bestie!" He nudges your side, his cheerful smile faltering some.

You notice right away, getting that concerned motherly look in your eyes.

"What's wrong?"

He seemed hesitant. You place a hand on the side of his face, giving that stern look.

"Alright, mom." He says in a highly sass laced tone.

You flip up his hat, making him grab your wrist and put in down slowly. You inch closer, ready to hear why he was somewhat upset.

"It's just, who will I hang out with when you're gone?" He looks down, avoiding eye contact.

Your face changes into shock realizing he didn't use any 'radical' words in his sentence. The whole time you've known this goofball, you never heard him speak normally. He must be really serious.

"Fresh, you can come visit me at the house. I'll always have time for my radical bro." You give a soft smile, holding out your fist.

He stares down at the ground before grinning and pounding his fist against yours.

"That sounds hella cool, (Y/n)." He blushes, making your cheeks heat up.

Your nice moment is ruined when Error steps in, pushing you two apart.

"Whoa, no need to be crude, grumpy pants!" Fresh waves off Error, holding out a hand to help you up.

You grab his hand, pulling yourself up with a greatful look in your eyes.

"S-stOp beIng s-so n-niCe. It h-urts m-mY eyEs." He hisses, making you chuckle.

Fresh pushes up his shades with his middle finger, looking directly at Error.

Silently Sleeping (Underswap!Papyrus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now