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I was sitting on my couch watching orange is the new black when my phone started buzzing. I huffed in annoyance because I figured that it was just my parents. I picked up my phone and immediately a smile made its way on my face.

DinahJane: hey Lauren.

Me: hey Dinah! What's up?

DinahJane: nothing much. I'm on break and I was bored so I decided to text you.

Me: wow Dinah I'm flattered that you wanted to talk me.

DinahJane: why wouldn't I want to talk to beautiful green eyed girls like yourself. I mean you're pretty great.

I was blushing furiously at her words.

Me: gosh Dinah you're so charming.

DinahJane: 😏 only for you cutie. Only for you.

Me: wow you're good.

DinahJane: thanks. Hey I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hangout after my shoot today.

Me: yeah I'd love to. What time?

DinahJane: uh around 2-2:30. I'll pick you up.

Me: ok cool. I live in the sunset apartment on fifth avenue apartment 622.

DinahJane: cool. I'll talk to you later gorgeous.

Me: ok bye.

I put my phone down and began jumping up and down in my seat "Dinah Jane asked me to hangout! Dinah Jane asked me to hangout" I cheered as I continued jumping in my seat. This really is a dream come true.


It was half past two when there was a knock on my door. I sprinted from my room and towards the door. I fixed my clothes before answering the door "hey Lauren. You look beautiful" Dinah smirks as she leaned up against the wall. My cheeks heated up because of her compliment "oh wow thanks Dinah" I muttered shyly "come on beautiful let's go." She held out her hand and I timidly took it into my own, feeling a bolt of electricity run through my body.

"Really? You took me out for ice cream. How cute" I coo happily.

Dinah gives me a cheeky smile "yeah I thought this would be a great way to get to know each other" she says. I nodded in agreement as I followed her into the shop.

"Hello how may I help you" the server asked.

Dinah sends the teen girl a charming smile "yes I would like two vanilla cones please." The girl nods as she makes our cones. Dinah pays for our ice cream, even though I said she didn't have to, and handed me my cone.

"So Lauren tell me about yourself beautiful" Dinah said, taking a seat across from me.

I sighed "well I'm twenty-one. I'm a photographer who loves taking pictures of anything I find beautiful or inspirational. I love to go to the beach and watch the sunset or I laying in the grass and stargaze for hours" I sighed "I love anything that has to do with nature or the outdoors. I'm also very into drawing at the moment. Uh I think that's about it" I ended shyly "so uh tell me about you."

Dinah smiles happily "well I'm twenty-two and I got my first tattoo when I was fourteen. It was a white rose, my grandma died and I wanted to do something to remember her. So I got the rose tattooed on my wrist." She showed me her wrist that had a white rose in the middle and the stem wrapped around her wrist and under it was the words 'Forever In My heart' "wow that's beautiful Dinah." She gives me a small smile before continuing to tell me about herself. Which I enjoyed quite a lot.


I was sitting on my bed just staring at my phone, debating whether or not to text Ally. What if I make a bad first impression? What if she hates me? What if it's too soon to text her? Am I overreacting?

"Mani just text her" my roommate/friend Camila yells.

I shook my head "no it's too early" I squeaked out. Camila just shakes her head "Mani just grow a pair and text the girl! It's been a three days since you meet. Just text her already" she says softly. I inhaled deeply and nodded as I picked up my and began typing.

Me: hey Ally it's me Normani. I don't know if you remember me I was the girl who helped you with the boxes the other day.

Ally💜: hey...Mani right? I was wondering when you would text me. So what's up.

A wide smile spread across my lips. She wanted me to text her.

Me: hey so I was wondering if maybe you would like to meet up for lunch. We could go to the cute diner on Hollywood boulevard.

Ally💜: yeah that sounds nice. Uh how does 3 sound?

Me: it sounds great! I'll see you then.

Ally💜: ok bye.

Me: bye.

I squeezed my phone tightly in my hand as I jumped up and down "she said yes! She said yes" I yelled happily. Camila screams "ahh Mani that's so great! I'm happy for you babe!" She hugged me tightly as we both jumped up and down on my bed. I can't believe she said yes.


I was getting ready to go to lunch with Ally when Camila came in "so are you getting ready for your date" she asked wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes trying to hide the fact that I was blushing like crazy "it's not a date. We're just meeting up for lunch. That's all" I said. Camila raises her eyebrow "but you like her right?" I nodded "then why not ask her on a date" she questioned. I sighed "because I don't think it's going to be that easy. She was very closed off when we first met" I admitted. Camila looks at me with sympathetic eyes "Mani don't stress. It'll all work out. I promise" she says. I mumbled under my breath, preying that everything works out between us. I really like Ally and I would love for things to work for us.

I arrived at the diner on Hollywood boulevard. I took a few deep breaths before going inside. I spotted Ally sitting at a table in the corner on her phone "hey did you order yet" I asked, sitting down across from her. A very tiny smile made its way on Ally's lips as she shook her head "uh no I was waiting for you" she mutters. I smiled at her before turning my attention to the menu.

"So uh were are you from" I awkwardly asked.

Her eyes lit up for a second before going back to their cold state "uh Texas" she answered "wow really? Me too!" Ally gave me another tiny smile "that's cool. So why did you move?"

I giggled as I thought about why I moved "well you see Lauren actually dragged me here. She said that she didn't want to face California alone and that she needed her best friend" I laughed "so what about you? Why did you move?" Her face fell into a frown and if possible her eyes got colder "uh my parents kicked me out when they found out that I was gay. They gave me the whole 'it's against the bible' bullshit so I left. I wasn't going to stay in a place where I was not accepted. I knew Dinah lived here so I came here and moved in with her" she answered coldly.

Looking into Ally's beautiful brown eyes I could see all the pain and hurt she was feeling. Even though she tried hard to hide it, I could see it and I hated it. I hated seeing her so hurt. She's too beautiful to be feeling this amount of hurt. I wish I could help her. Wait! Maybe I can.

"Hey Ally are you free all next week" I asked.

She knotted her eyebrows "yeah I don't really think I have anything planned besides work." I smiled "great because I wanted to hangout with you, get to know you better" I stated. A small blush rose on her cheeks "uh yeah t-that would be great" she mumbles. My heart skipped a beat when she said yes. I'm so happy right now. Maybe this will be my chance to break down her walls a get to know her better. Find out who she is.

Roses In A Garden Of Ashes(Laurinah/Normally)Where stories live. Discover now