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"Lauren can you just talk to me" Dinah begs as we walked into her apartment.

I shook my head "why do we need to talk? There's nothing to talk about" I said coldly. Dinah scuffs "if there's nothing to talk about then why are you mad" she asked as she raised an eyebrow at me. I roll my eyes "I'm not mad. I mean why would I be mad? It's not like you were flirting with your ex right in front of me" I spat harshly.

Dinah sighs as she ran a hand through her hair "Lauren I wasn't flirting with her, I promise." I scuff "yeah sure whatever Dinah Jane. I'll see you around" I mumbled as I grabbed my things and walked out of her apartment and quickly ran down the stairs and towards my car. I heard Dinah following behind me but ignored her and drove off.

Arriving back to my apartment I broke down in tears because Dinah and I never fight like this. Throughout our relationship we have never had a fight. I honestly don't know why I'm so upset. Maybe I'm scared that she'll replace me with that bitch of an ex of hers, I'm not sure.

I wiped my eyes before heading off to bed. Tonight was supposed to be special, I mean it was our one month anniversary but of course her ex just had to show up and ruin everything! Tonight was a fucking disaster!


It's been a week since mine and Dinah's fight and honestly I'm miserable. I miss her but I'm too scared to go talk to her because I'm scared of the fact that she might not want to be me.

"Lauren just go talk to her" Normani demands. I sighed "Mani I can't" I muttered as I leaned back in the couch "Lauren Michelle get your ass up right now and go talk to her" Normani demands. I shook my head "Normani I can't. She probably hates me" I said sadly. Normani huffs "Lauren you'll never know if you don't go talk to her." I rolled my eyes "well I can't. Liza's here and I can't leave her by herself" I argued. Normani narrowed her eyes at me "that's a bullshit excuse and you know it" she spat "I'll watch Liza. You go talk to Dinah, it's been a week" she spoke calmly. I thought about it for a second before deciding that it was time to go talk to Dinah "fine. I'll go talk to her." Normani smiles brightly "great and don't worry I'll take care of Eliza while you're gone" she tells me. I nodded as I hugged her and left my apartment. I guess I'm really doing this.

"Ok Lauren just knock on the door" I mumbled to myself. I inhaled deeply as I lifted my fist. I counted to three before knocking on her door twice. The door opens and there stood the blonde haired beauty that I've fallen in love with.

"Lauren what are you doing here" she asked, her voice holding a sad tone to it.

I fumbled with my fingers nervously "uh I-I wanted to talk to you" my voice shook as I spoke "ok." Dinah moved aside so that I could walk in. I gave her a kind smile as I walked into her apartment.

"So what did you want to talk about" she asked as she leaned up against the wall.

I could feel my nerves getting to me "uh first I wanted to start off by apologizing I-I didn't mean to get mad at you like that." I ran an anxious hand through my hair "I guess I was just scared that you might choose your ex over me. So I guess I let my jealousy speak for me when I should have trusted you. I mean I can understand if you do-" I was cut off by a soft pair of lips pressed against mine, kissing me deeply. I moaned in surprise but kissed back immediately.

Dinah pecked my lips a few times before pulling away from me "baby I'm not mad at you" she spoke softly "I understand where you're coming from, and honestly I would have reacted the same way if your ex showed up." I giggled "so you forgive me" I asked shyly. Dinah pecked my lips "of course I do babe!" I couldn't help but smile at her "come let's go back to my place. Eliza misses you" I told her honestly. Dinah grabs her keys before walking out of her apartment with her hand linked with mine.

Roses In A Garden Of Ashes(Laurinah/Normally)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora