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After the doctor told us that Ally was going to be ok Normani said that it was ok for us to leave. Dinah, Eliza and I gave her a group hug before saying our goodbyes and leaving the hospital.

"LoLo I'm hungwy" Eliza whines.

I smiled down at the young girl "well what do you want" I asked. She used her small finger to tap on her chin "um can we buy some of those Dino nuggets from the store" she asked cutely. I nodded "of course sweetie." I kissed her forehead her as I buckled her into her car seat. I closed her door before climbing into the front seat where Dinah immediately intertwined our hands. I'm smiled a little as she kissed the back of my hand before driving off.

"Lauren push me in the cart" Dinah says as she gave me her famous puppy dog eyes.

I glared at her playfully as I put Eliza into the front of the cart "I guess only if it's ok with Liza" I said with a playful smirk. Dinah faces Eliza "may I ride in the cart with you" she asked. Eliza giggles "of course you can DiDi" she answered happily. Dinah does a victory dance as she jumped into the cart. I rolled my eyes at my child of a girlfriend as I began pushing the cart.

"Ohh Lo let's get ice cream!"

"Ooh and donuts!"

"Oh and let's get a cake" Dinah says excitedly.

Eliza and I laughed at the childish antics of my tatted up girlfriend as she ran around and grabbed anything sweet that she could get her hands on. Dinah grins like a child on Christmas as she walks over to the cart and puts everything in the cart.

I chuckled at how adorable she was "ok you big kid let's go get dinner now" I said. She nods and took my hand in her as I pushed the cart down the frozen food isle and grabbed a bag of Dino nuggets. Eliza cheers happily as she took the bag in her small hands as she held on to it. I kissed her forehead as I pushed the cart into another isle where Dinah once again grabbed anything she could get her hands on.

After buying basically the whole store we checked out and loaded the trunk with our bags before driving home.

"Home sweet home baby girl" Dinah says to Eliza who smiled up at her "home sweet home" she repeated. Dinah and myself awed at how cute she was.

I headed towards the kitchen while Dinah and Eliza sat on the couch and watch the lion king, Dinah's request of course. I preheated the oven as I began boiling the water for the Mac and cheese that was requested by my girlfriend and niece.

"Dinners ready" I called out.

Immediately Dinah and Eliza were running into the kitchen. I chuckled as I made our plates and sat one in front of Dinah "thanks babe!" I pecked her lips as I sat the other one in front of Eliza "tank chu" she says. I grinned as I kissed her head "you're welcome sweetie" I said as I took my seat at the front of the table. I smiled as I looked at my little family. This is so nice.


I was woken up by the weight of a body on top of me. I groaned as I opened my eyes, immediately locking eyes with my brown eyed girlfriend "good morning LoLo" she greets happily. A tired smile made its way on my face "good morning to you too" I mumbled tiredly "so what are we doing today?"

Before Dinah could speak up a loud pounding slammed on my door. I huffed as I got out of bed and padded towards the door. Upon opening the door I frowned "what do you want Christopher" I asked coldly.

He glared at me "I'm here for Eliza" he stated harshly. I scuffed at him "well you're out of luck because you're not taking her" I said calmly. His glare hardens "Lauren we both know that I'd be a better guardian then you" he says. I blankly stared at him "fine let's ask her who she wants to stay with" I bargained "Eliza sweetheart come here" I called out.

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