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"What part of I never loved you do you not get" Dinah yells.

"Baby you don't mean that! Please tell me that you don't mean that" I cried as I grabbed her hand. Dinah moves away from me "look what we had was fun but you knew who I was before you met me" she says. I frowned "so you were-were just messing with me? You never loved me" I asked hurt by what she was saying. Dinah shakes her head "I'm sorry but no. Don't get me wrong you're a great girl but I just don't love you. I'm sorry." She kissed my cheek before walking away from me.

The sound of clapping echoed in the room "oh my god! That was great! You guys did so good" Camila says. Dinah blushed "do you really think so?" I grinned at her "of course baby. You're definitely going to get the role" I told her.

"And what did my lil munchkin think" Dinah asked, bending down to Eliza's level. The small girl wraps her tiny arms around Dinah's neck "you did weally good DiDi" Eliza compliments. A wide grin spreads across Dinah's face "thank you cutie!" She kissed Eliza's cheek causing the tiny girl to giggle. My heart flutters at how she interacts with Eliza. She's going make an amazing mother one day.

"And what did my princess think about it?" I blushed at the new pet name "well I think you did great." I wrapped my arms around her neck "I honestly believed that you were going to break up with me" I chuckle lightly. Dinah laughs as she placed her hands on my hips "well I'm glad that you liked it baby." She pecked my lips softly.


I was sitting on the ground with Eliza painting and listening to The 1975 "LoLo is mommy ever going to come back for me" her voice was timid and scared. My heart broke when she asked that. What do I tell her? I can't tell her that her mom picked her boytoy over her, that would destroy her.

I sighed as I moved her to sit on my lap "baby girl listen to me" I spoke softly as I ran a hand through her hair "your mother isn't in her right mind right now" I sighed "so from now on you're going to be living with me. Is that ok sweetie?" Eliza nods "does that mean that I'm going to get to see DiDi more" she questions. I smiled "of course sweet-"

A loud banging on my door cut me off. I put Eliza down on the floor before getting up and answering the door. A gasp left my mouth at what-or who I saw in front of me. Right in front of me was Normani's girlfriend Ally standing in front of me beaten and bruised "Lauren..." She trials of as she collapsed into my arms. I picked up the small woman and carried her into my apartment and gently put her on the couch. I studied her face and it looked like she was beaten up pretty badly. I pulled out my phone and decided to text both Normani and Dinah and tell them what happened.

To Dinah, Normani: Guys we have an emergency. Ally came to my apartment and is beaten up pretty badly. I'm freaking out here. Please come as fast as you can!

I hit send before putting my phone down and attending to Ally's wounds. Ally what happened?


I'm pretty sure I broke several traffic laws trying to get to Lauren's apartment. My mind is going crazy right now, I can't think straight. I'm about to have a panic attack because I have no idea what happened to Ally. I'm so scared right now.

I barely parked my car before jumping out and running up to Lauren's apartment. I didn't bother knocking because Lauren and I are basically like family "where is she" I asked Dinah with tears running down my face "she's in the bedroom. Follow me" she says. I followed behind her as we headed towards the bedroom.

The sight in front of me completely shattered my heart. Ally looked so fragile and broken. She was bruised and had several cuts on her face and body. My blood started to boil because who would do something like this? Why would they hurt her? It makes no sense.

"Ally, baby who did this to you" I asked as I crouched down next to her. Ally frowns as her teary brown eyes looking into my glossy ones "T-Tori" she whispers out. If you thought I was mad before you have no idea how infuriated I am right now. Who the fuck does she think she is?

I stood up slowly before turning towards the door and walking out "wait Mani where are you going" Dinah asked "I need to talk to Tori" I said through gritted teeth. Dinah smirks "girl let me come. I've been wanting to talk to Tori for years now!" She grabs her purse and phone before walking out with me.


"Victoria open the fucking door" I yelled as I pounded on her door.

The door opens and there stands Tori with a condescending smirk etched on her face "I was wondering when you'd come to you senses and come back to me" she says. I glared at her as I shoved her "who the fuck do you think you are" I yelled "beating up my girlfriend! For what? Because I won't date you!" I was beyond angry "we'll get over it Victoria! I'm never ever going back to a bitch like you! So fuck you and stay they fuck out of my life you stupid ass bitch" I yelled.

Tori glared at me "why are you sticking up for someone that doesn't even care about you? She's only with you to get to me! Can't you see that" she yells back. Dinah scuffs "girl no one here cares about you. Ally didn't even know that you and Normani dated. So she's not with Normani to get back at you, get over yourself" she spat.

"Shut the fuck up Dinah! This doesn't even involve you" Tori yells.

Dinah scuffs "yes the fuck it does! Ally's like a sister to me and I'm not going to stand by and let you beat her up" she yells as she shoved Tori hard "I'm going to say this once and only one. Stay the hell away from Ally or so help me god I'll beat you so bad you won't walk for centuries" she growls. Dinah grabs my hand and motions for me to go. I flipped Tori off before turning and walking away.

"Hey ask Ally how does it feel to know that I hit it first" Tori yelled.

I turned around and my fist immediately connected with Tori's nose. A loud crunch sound echoing through the hall "fuck you, you stupid ass bitch! Who the fuck are you to say that you dumb ass bitch" I yelled in between punches "Normani lets go! You've done enough!" Dinah grabs my waist and lifts me off of Tori "Come near Ally again and I promise you won't live to see the next day" I yelled. Tori needs to watch her back at this point.

Roses In A Garden Of Ashes(Laurinah/Normally)Where stories live. Discover now