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A/N: I just want to start this off by saying that I'm extremely disappointed by what has been happening in the fandom recently. The fact that someone took upon themselves to out Lauren is honestly disgusting to me. You, whoever you are, had no right to do that to her. She did not deserve to be outed like that. And the fact that some fans are turning this into a "Camren" this is disgusting, they are basically telling her that a ship is more important than her feelings, it's disgusting and I'm honestly thinking about leaving the fandom. I'll support the girls but I don't think I can be apart of this fandom, not after how I saw some fans treating her.

I was sitting on the couch working on organizing my photo album because I'm planning on posting a collage on my Instagram to show my fans everything I've been doing for the past couple of months. My front door opens and the sound of laughter came from the hallway as footsteps walked towards me.

"Hey baby. What are you doing" Dinah asked, taking a seat next to me.

I glanced up at her with a small smile "I'm picking out some pictures that I want to put in a collage and post on Instagram" I told her. Dinah scoots closer to me as she looks over my shoulder "I think you should post that one with these ones around it" she tells me, pointing to a picture that I took of the sunset reflecting off the ocean. I looked at it and put it together with the other pictures she picked out.

I looked at it for a minute before deciding to go with it because it honestly did look nice and the other three landscapes looked great with it. Dinah wrapped her arms around me as I quickly put the collage together and posted it on Instagram "so baby what did you and Eliza do while you were out" I asked curiously.

"I got her her first tattoo" she said with a straight face.

I glared at her "Dinah Jane" I warned "you better not have" I said. Dinah smirks at me "Lizy come here" she calls. Eliza runs over to us "yes" she said cutely "show LoLo your tattoo" she says. Eliza's eyes lit up as she pushed up her sleeve "looky LoLo I got a tattoo of a rainbow" she said happily. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was just one of those fact tattoo that you put on with a rag and some water. I turned to Dinah and slapped her arm "DJ don't scare me like that" I pouted. Dinah laughs loudly as she pulled me into her side "aw Lo you know I'd never do something like that without your permission" she says with a wink. I playfully roll my eyes at her before pecking her lips a few times. Before I could fully kiss her there was a loud knock on my front door. I sighed as I stood up to go answer it.

"Oh uh hey Chris" I said when I saw my brother at the door.

"Lauren how could you" he states.

I furrowed my brows "how could I what" I asked "Taylor called me crying saying that you took Eliza from her and that you called her a bad parent when you know how hard she's worked to take care of Eliza" he say. My jaw dropped in disbelief "no I didn't just take Eliza. Taylor dropped Eliza off here over a month ago because she said that she couldn't do it anymore, she told me when I confronted her that she didn't want a child because she didn't want to lose her precious boyfriend over a 'stupid child'. She told me and Dinah at the courthouse on Tuesday that she no longer wanted to take care of Eliza, she agreed to give me full custody over Eliza. So no I did not just take Eliza from her" I finished.

He just glared at me "well that's not what Taylor says and I'd rather believe her over a stupid dyke like yourself" he growled harshly. His words broke my heart because ever since I came out three years ago he's been nothing but horrible to me, throwing around homophobic slurs and telling me that I'm going to rot in hell, it hurts. I looked at him "Christopher I think it's time for you to leave" I spoke calmly. He shakes his head as he pushed his way into my apartment "I'm not leaving until I get Eliza" he states as he looked around for her.

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