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It was eight o'clock at night and for some reason Normani was calling me to come over. I had no idea why but I'm going and I'm taking Dinah and Eliza with me.

"What do you think Mani wants" Dinah asked.

I shrugged "I'm not sure. Do you think everything's ok with her and Ally?"

Dinah sighs "I hope so. I don't think I could handle it if my ship broke up" she pouts.

I giggled at my girlfriend's cuteness "you're adorable D!" She blushes as she smiled at me "thanks babe" she coos.

Pulling up to Ally's apartment I could hear the yelling even before I got out. Dinah was the first one to get out along with Eliza, who was trailing behind her "baby come here" I said. The green eyed child walked hesitantly back over to me "mommy is evweything ok" she asked timidly. I moved her hair out of her face "I'm not sure baby" I said softly. Eliza frowns as she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and snuggled into me.

I held her close as I slowly walked towards Ally's apartment, where I jumped in surprise when something was thrown in my direction.

"I don't understand why you just can't be happy for me! Why is that so hard for you to do" Ally screams.

"Because this is wrong Ally! Why can't you marry a guy like a normal person" her mother yells.

"Because I don't like guys, mom! I like women" Ally argues.

I slowly walked inside and my jaw drops when I saw how destroyed Ally's place was. I knew Ally and her parents had their arguments but I never thought that it would turn physical.

"Ally when are you going to realize that all of this is a phase and it's time for you to grow up" her father said.

"Because it's not a phase. I love Normani and if you're not ok with that then you're welcome to leave" Ally said.

Everyone one was quiet for a second, "Ally we will never support this." Was the last thing her parents said before they left. I shook my head as I walked over to her "hey are you ok" I asked gently. Ally looks at me "not really but, I'll be fine" she said, giving me a sad smile. I nodded as I gave her a loving hug "so why did Mani call us here" I asked.

Ally's mood immediately changed as she held out her hand. My jaw drops when I saw the beautiful diamond ring on her finger "oh my god is that-"

"Yes! Yes Mani proposed" Ally squeals happily.

I squealed with just as much excitement as I hugged her tightly "oh my god, Ally! I'm so happy for you" I said happily as I hugged her tightly "aw thanks Lo" she mumbles as she hugs me back.


After we congratulated Ally and Normani on their engagement Dinah decided to take us out to dinner.

"Mommy what's an engagewent" Eliza asked.

I smiled down at the child in my arms "an engagement is when two people are going to get married, which in this case is Ally and Normani" I told her. She nods with furrowed eyebrows "are you and mama going to get engagewent" she asked. I chuckled "one day we" I told her as I sat her in her high chair.

"Oh my gosh, Lauren. This is so exciting! I can't wait to go dress shopping with Ally" Dinah said happily.

I chuckled at her "I thought you didn't like dresses" I asked. The blonde shrugs "I don't but, for Ally's wedding I'll wear anything" she tells me. My heart melts at her kind words towards her friend. I'm honestly convinced that Dinah is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Not only is she loving but she'll literally put anyone before herself and that's amazing.

As we were looking over the menu Dinah pulls me into her and kissed my cheek softly. I giggled as I tried to focus on the menu but Dinah had other plans "babe stop that tickles" I laughed softly.

Dinah turned me to look at her and pecked my lips softly "I love you Lauren" she says softly. I smiled lovingly at her "I love you too Dinah."


Today I'm taking Ally out so she can get away from all the drama that's been happening recently. I just feel like she needs a break from everything and I know exactly how to get her mind off of everything.

"Mani c'mon please tell me where we're going" Ally begs.

I chuckled as I led her up to the building "I'm sorry but I can't tell you that" I told her. Ally pouts as she let me guide her inside "ok Ally I'm going to need you to lay down" I told her. Before she could question me I put my finger over her lips "don't question me" I told her softly. Ally huffs but did as I said and laid down. I smiled as I motioned my friend Jilly over "please keep her busy so I can run and get things ready for our date" I whispered to her. Jilly nods before being to massage Ally. I kissed Ally's forehead before telling her goodbye and leaving the shop to go get everything ready for our date tonight.

After I left the massage parlor I ran to Ally's favorite flower shop to get her favorite flowers for her. After that I headed to the cake shop to get Ally her favorite cupcakes. Then I headed back home to go set everything up. I had about an hour to get Ally's favorite meal done before I had to go pick her up from the massage parlor.

It was half past six when I arrived back at Jilly's. I parked the car before getting out and heading inside. Walking inside I giggled to myself as I saw that Ally was asleep on the massage table, it was cute really.

"Baby it's time to wake up" I cooed softly.

Ally whines but got up anyways. I held out my hand as I guided her towards my car so I could take her back home for the second part of her surprise. 

Ally basically jumped out of the car when we arrived back at home. I could tell that she was excited to be back her. Grabbing her arm I lead her inside "Mani can I take this off" Ally whines. I giggled "go head baby. Take it off." Ally ripped off the blindfold "I'm so glad that thing is off..." She trails off when she saw that the apartment was decorated in her favorite flowers "Mani did you do all of this" she asked me softly. I nodded "yeah I wanted to do something to get your mind off of everything" I told her. Ally turns to me and pulled me in for a deep kiss which I quickly returned. She pecked my lips gently before parting with me "thank you so much Normani" she whispered against my lips. I smiled at her "you're welcome baby. Now let's go eat!" Ally giggles as she drags me over to the table.

As the night went on Ally and I found ourselves on the couch laughing at a story she was telling me. I looked up at her and smiled as I moved her hair out of her face "you're so beautiful Ally" I whispered softly. Ally blushes as she bows her head shyly "thanks Mani." I smiled because this reminds me of our first date and it's really making me happy to think about. I leaned forward and lifted her chin so I could kiss her softly. Ally wraps her arms around my neck as she deepens the kiss.

We quickly fell into a heated make out session, with Ally basically straddling me as I rested my hands on her waist. Breathlessly Ally pulls away "Normani I'm ready" she tells me softly. I looked up at her and moved her hair out of her face "are you sure baby" I asked softly. She nods "I'm more than ready" she tells me. I nodded as I picked her up and headed towards the bedroom when we both gave ourselves to each other in the most intimate way possible.


The next morning I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. Last night was incredible! I've never felt so much love as I did with Ally last night. I can definitely say that I really am in love with her and God does it feel right.

Ally nudged her head into my neck as she holds me closer to her "last night was wonderful Mani" she mumbles sleepily.

I giggled as I kissed the top of her head "it really was baby" I agree wholeheartedly with her. Ally began kissing my neck softly as her hand ran up and down my side making me shiver at her gently touch "let's move this to the shower" she husked quietly. I bit my lip and nodded as I quickly got out of bed with her right behind and ran into the shower where things definitely got heated.

Roses In A Garden Of Ashes(Laurinah/Normally)Where stories live. Discover now