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A/N: The next chapter is going to be the wedding and it's going to be written in third person.

Six Weeks Later
Today I'm at the dress shop with Ally helping her pick out her dress for her wedding because she said that she needed help choosing out which dress she wants and she thought I could help her, which I'm glad to.

"Lauren I don't know. Do you think Mani will like it" she asked nervously.

I sighed "Ally I'm positive Mani will love whatever dress you choose. You don't have to worry about her not like your dress" I told her. Ally sighed and slowly nods her head before changing into another dress.

As I was waiting for Ally to come back out my phone vibrated and I smiled when I saw who it was.

Dinah💚: hey baby how's everything going?

Me: it's fine. Ally's freaking out.

Dinah💚: what? Why?

Me: because she's scared that Normani won't like her dress.

Dinah💚: that's ridiculous Mani will anything she wears.

Me: see that's what I told her.

Me: anyways Ally's back. I'll talk to you later. Love you❤️

Dinah💚: love you too baby💙

I smiled as I put my phone before going over to Ally.

"Lo what do you think" she asked "do you think that it's too much?"

I looked at her and saw that she was wearing a long white dress that had a v-neck line and lace on the back of it. It was tight around her hips but flared out at her lags. The dress was beautiful.

"The dress is beautiful Ally" I told her honestly.

Ally nods "so is this the one" she asked. I smiled at her "this is the one!"


After going dress shopping Ally took me out to lunch as a thank you for helping her. I told her that she didn't have to but she insisted and who am I to deny her offer.

"You don't think Mani will get cold feet, do you" she asked.

I looked at her and shook my head "of course not, Ally. Mani loves you and she nearly talked my ear off about marrying you, there's no way she'll get cold feet" I assured her.

Ally nods "I know I guess I'm just nervous about this whole wedding thing. I just don't want to mess up" she admits.

I gave her a kind smile "Alz the only way you could hurt her is if you stopped loving her and we both know that's never going to happen so you have nothing to worry about" I told her.

Ally sighs "I really hope you're right."


Today I was going with Dinah to pick out my wedding dress and if I'm being honest I'm really fucking nervous. Like I can't help but think what if Ally does like my dress? What if she thinks it's ugly? I would really hate to disappoint her, especially at out wedding.

"Mani stop freaking out everything's going to be fine" Dinah says.

I frowned "but what if it isn't" I questioned "what if everything goes wrong and Ally hates for ruining our wedding? I don't think I could live with myself if that happened."

"Normani stop, everything's going to be fine" Dinah tells me "Ally's crazy about you nothing in this world could make her hate you."

I sigh "I know. I-I guess I'm just really nervous about this wedding thing. I'm just scared that she'll regret it" I confessed.

Dinah sighed "Mans, she's not going to regret it. She loves you and she so excited about getting married to you. I should know she only told me about a thousand times" she laughs "Ally loves you Normani. I promise."

I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath to calm myself down. Dinah's right. Ally loves me to I have nothing to worry about. I gave her a quick hug before going into the changing room and changing in to the sixth dress I picked out.

I think this dress was my favorite. It was a white strapless dress and it was tight around my whole body. The train was pretty long but I loved that about the dress. It was everything that I was looking for.

"Dinah how does it look?"

Dinah looks up from her phone and smiles "oh my god, Mani! It looks beautiful! Ally's definitely going to love this dress" she gushed.

My cheeks began to hurt as my smile grew "do you really think so?" Dinah nods "of course I do, Mani. This dress is beautiful on you" she told me honestly "this is definitely the dress you should by." And I did. Dinah was right this was the dress.


Today was going really well until I got a call from my mom. That's when everything went downhill.

"Normani I just don't think it's right of you to be marrying a woman. It's not natural" she said.

I groaned "but why can't I marry her? We love each other and shouldn't that be enough for us to get married" I challenged.

My mom sighs "Normani it doesn't matter if you 'love' her, you're still marrying a female and that's not right" she said "why can't you marry that nice boy from college. Uh what's his name? Arin!"

I frowned when I heard his name "mom don't you remember how badly he hurt me? I can't marry someone who hurt me the way he has" I told her "I deserve better than that."

"Normani if you marry this Ally girl you won't be able to have kids with her. You won't be able to reproduce with another female, you need a man to do that and I think Arin is perfect" she says.

My blood was boiling when she said that "there's always adoption and in vitro fertilization if I want to have kids so reproducing isn't a problem" I spat angrily.

"Normani I really think you should drop this whole phase and consider getting back with Arin. He really misses you honey."

I was fuming at this point "why do you want me to get back with him so badly" I questioned harshly "if you forgot when we were together her abused me and treated me like I was shit. Why would I go back to that?"

My mom huffs "Normani he was young and dumb at the time but he's changed. He can treat you better than this Ally girl" she says smugly.

I scuffed "we've been together for half a year and not once has she laid her hands on me. In six months she treated me better than Arin did in two years" I told her "so no I won't get back with Arin. I love Ally and we're going to get married whether you like it or not!"

My mom sighs heavily "you're making a mistake Normani and don't come crying to me when it blows up in your face." And with that said she hangs up.

Tossing my phone to the side I hid my face in a pillow and just screamed. I couldn't believe that she was trying to set me up with Arin, especially when she knows how I feel about him. I just can't believe her right now.

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