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"I think that's everything babe" Dinah says as she brought the last of my things into our new house that we brought together.

I smiled at her as I walked inside. It's been five months since Dinah first suggested that we move in together and it's finally happening and I couldn't be happier "Eliza would you like see your new room" I asked the toddler. She eagerly nods her head and jumped up and down "c'mon mommy" she says excitedly.

I froze in my spot when she said that "Eliza sweetheart what did you just call Lauren" Dinah asked softly. The small child played with her fingers "uh I cwlled her mommy. Is dat not ok" she asked shyly. Dinah and I immediately shake our heads no "no no it's ok, we were just shocked that's all" I told her.

Her bright green eyes looked up at me "so is it otay if I cwll you mommy and I cwll DiDi mama" she asked shyly. Dinah and I smiled at each other "of course it's ok sweetie" Dinah coos softly. Eliza's eyes glanced up at us shyly "are you sure" her voice shook slightly "of course we are baby." I kissed her forehead as I hugged her "c'mon let's go check out your new room" I said. Eliza smiles and bounced in my arms.

The toddler's eyes grew big as she looked at her new room "is dis all for me" she asked as looked at all the toys and stuffed animals. I nodded "yep this is all for you cutie" I said as I tapped her nose softly. Her small arms wrapped my neck as she hugged me "thank you mommy" she whispers softly. My heart melted when I heard that "you're welcome sweetie" I spoke quietly because I was scared that my voice would crack because of all the emotions that I was feeling right now. I'm just so happy.

After helping Eliza set up one of her doll houses I went back into the living room and joined Dinah on the floor since we didn't have a couch yet.

"So how does she like her new room" Dinah asked.

My smile grew "she loves it! She was so happy with everything" I gushed happily.

Dinah giggles and wrapped her arms around my waist as she pulls me on to her lap "I'm so glad that you agreed to move in with me" she whispers as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Me too" I whispered softly before gently kissing her plump lips. Dinah cupped my lips as she deepened the kiss slightly. I straddled her lap and she rested her hands on my waist as we fell into a pretty heated make out session.

Unfortunately a knock on the door broke us apart. I huffed as I stood up and marched towards the door. Upon opening the door I saw a short brown haired girl standing there "hello can I help you" I asked.

The girl smiles at me "yes I was wondering if you could give this to Ms Hansen" she said and hands me an packet before walking away. I furrowed my eyebrows as I closed the door and looked down at the packet "baby you have mail" I said.

Dinah walks towards me as she took the packet from me "do you know what it is?" I shook my head no as I watched her open up the packet.

She pulls a few pieces of paper out and began reading "oh my god" she yells "baby I got the part! I got the part" she squeals, jumping up and down happily.

I grinned widely as I embraced her in a hug "D I'm so happy for you." Her smile widens as she pecked my lips "thanks Laur!"


Today is Saturday and I decided to take Eliza over to my parents since they haven't seen her in a while "are you excited to see grandma and grandpa" I asked. Her green eyes grew bright as she looked up at me "yeah I miss mama and papa" she answers. I smiled at her as I pulled into my parents driveway.

Eliza kept kissing my cheek as I walked up towards my parents front door and inside my parents home "mami, papi are you guys home" I called out. Footsteps sounded from the kitchen and in walks my mother "Lauren I didn't know that you were coming over" my mother says.

Roses In A Garden Of Ashes(Laurinah/Normally)Where stories live. Discover now