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Today is the day that Dinah and I are heading to the court house to get full custody of Eliza since Taylor doesn't want her anymore. I just hope the grant me custody because I really love Eliza and I would hate to have her taken away because of Taylor's incompetence.

"Baby are you ok" Dinah asks.

Immediately I shook my head "no I'm not. I'm scared. I'm scared that they're going to take her away and I don't want that" I told her with a broken voice. Two strong arms wrapped around me as I cried on her shoulder "I love her too much to lose her like this" I cried out. Dinah shushed me as she rubbed my back "Lauren baby listen to me." She cups my cheeks and made me look up at her "everything is going to be fine. You just have to have faith babe, you just have to have faith" she tells me. I nodded and pecked her lips a few times before pulling away. I took a deep breath before grabbing her hand and walking inside the building.

Upon walking inside I spotted Taylor and her boyfriend Zach sitting on one of the benches in there "are you guys ready" I asked emotionlessly.

"Yep let's get this over with so I don't ever have to see that child ever again" she says harshly.

"What's your problem Taylor? Why don't you want to be Eliza's mom" I questioned.

"Because ever since she was born my life was ruined! Every time I asks out a guy I get rejected because of that stupid child! No guy wants to date a teen mom" she yells "and on top of that she's fucking stupid, she can't do anything right! She's always ruining something of mine and I'm sick of it! It took me over a year to get the idiot potty trained because she was too stupid to know that she's supposed to use the toilet and not her bed or pants" she rants "I absolutely hate her she means absolutely nothing to me and I can't wait for her to be out of my life forever" she finished.

I was completely stunned by what she was saying "you know what I'm glad I'm getting custody because honestly you don't deserve a child like Eliza! You don't deserve that sweet beautiful kind hearted caring child, with the way you treat her and how you talk about her you don't deserve any child" I paused for a second before continuing "after this is over you're never going to be allowed to see her" I said before storming into the courtroom with Dinah trailing right behind me.


The court process went faster than I thought it would. Taylor agreed to give me full custody of Eliza without any problems. The only thing that I had to do to keep her was show the judge that I had a stable job and environment for Eliza to live in, which I do. Without saying goodbye to us Taylor and her boytoy Zach left the courthouse.

"So babe how are you feeling" Dinah asked, swinging our joint hands slight.

A small sigh of relief left my mouth "I'm feeling good, like a weights been lifted off my shoulders. I feel amazing right now" I told her. Dinah smiles at me as she brought my hand up to her lips and kissed it softly "I'm so glad everything worked out in our favor" she tells "now let's get LizyBug a gift to tell her the good news!" I laughed loudly as Dinah dragged me towards her car.

We arrived at the toy store and went our separate ways to find Eliza a gift. I walked down an isle that was filed with stuffed animals. I looked at each one thoroughly until I stopped at a pink fluffy bunny that had a checkered pattern patch right about its left eye and another patch on the lower right side of its tummy. The bunny was soft to the touch when I picked it up and right then and there I knew this was the right gift for her.

"Baby did you find something" Dinah asked as she stood next to me.

I nodded as I showed her the bunny "aw it's so cute" she cooed "it's going to pair great with the purple elephant that I got her" she inquired. I giggled as I dragged her towards the check out. After arguing about who would pay we grabbed our bag and left the store.

Roses In A Garden Of Ashes(Laurinah/Normally)Where stories live. Discover now