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"DiDi come pway on the swings with me" Eliza asked eagerly. Dinah giggles "ok love bug here I come" Dinah yells as she scoops Eliza up in her arms, causing the smaller girl to laugh loudly. I smile fondly at them before going back to my book.

Eliza has been living with me for the past three week and honestly everything has been going good. She's been getting along with Dinah amazingly and I couldn't be happier. The only problem is that Eliza has been waking up screaming every night and I'm worried, I have no idea what's going on with my little nugget but I'm going to find out.

"LoLo I'm hungwy" Eliza whines.

I marked my book "well nugget what do you want?" She tapped her chin with her little finger "um nuggets and Mac and cheese" she yells as she jumped up and down while clapping her hands. Dinah and I giggled "ok baby girl lets go!" I picked her up and grabbed her things before leaving the park.

We arrived back home. Dinah and Eliza went to the living room to play a game while I went to go get lunch started.

"Eliza you little goof ball" Dinah yells with a small laugh.

A cute laugh came from the little girl's mouth "no DiDi you're a goof ball" she says.

I smiled softly at them as I turned around to face them. I couldn't help the butterflies that swarmed in my stomach as I looked at Dinah playing with Eliza, she's just so good with kids. I shook my head "uh guys lunch is ready" I called. They both jumped up and ran into the kitchen. When I handed Eliza her plate she accidentally dropped it. She flinched back and cowered in fear.

"I-I'm sowwy! Pwease d-don't hurt me" she cries out.

My jaw drops at what she says. I could feel the tears in my eyes "baby I'm not going to hurt you. It was an accident, I'm not mad." Her sad tear filled eyes looked into mine "a-are you s-should" her voice was timid and scared. I nod as I picked her up "of course I am" I sighed "Eliza tell me the truth. Does your mother...hit you?" She looked down as she played with my fingers "I can't say. If I do they will hurt me" she mutters. My heart was breaking at this point "them who sweetie" I pressed "mommy and her boyfwiend Zach." A blank stare etched its way on my face as I handed Eliza to Dinah and walked towards the door "Lo baby where are you going" she asked "I need to go talk to someone" I said shortly as I walked out of the door.


"Taylor open the fucking door" I yelled as I pounded on the door.

In the matter of seconds the door swung open reviling a fuming Taylor "Lauren what the fuck do you want" she spat. I just glared at her "I want to know why the fuck you left your child with me and why the fuck she's scared all the time" I yelled as I shoved passed her and into her shitty apartment. Taylor scuffed "because Zach doesn't like children and I'm not going to ruin my relationship with him for a stupid child" she yells.

I just looked at with anger in my eyes "so you choose some fuckboy over your own daughter? What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I was beyond furious at this point. How could she do that to Eliza? Before Taylor could speak in walks this bootleg version of Justin Bieber "babe what's going on? Why are you yelling" he asks, wrapping his disgusting hands around my sister's waist. Taylor just glares daggers at me "she's trying to ruin our relationship by trying to get me to take that stupid child back" she seethes. The guy that I'm pretty sure is Zach just rolls his eyes before looking at me "look we don't want Elisabeth so could you like just leave us along" annoyance and anger was laced in his voice "her name is Eliza" I growled. He scuffed "whatever."

I rolled my eyes before storming off to Eliza's room. I grabbed one of the duffle bags and packed everything I could in there before walking out "I'm going to court and getting full custody of Eliza" I told them. Taylor just shrugs "I don't care! You can leave now" she yells. I shook my head in disappointment before leaving her apartment. I cannot believe her right now!

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