Prologue: Jane

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We glided through the trees, the smoke thickening as we went.  If I was still a human, my eyes would sting, I would be crying, but not today. 

Apparently, we'd missed the blood bath.


That redhead Cullen boy, called Edward said my name and I almost smiled at the fear in his voice.  Then, beside me, Alec winced and I almost growled as the smell of blood filled my nose.  Blood and wet dog.  Not exactly the best combination, in my opinion.

"Looks like we missed the party," I said coolly, trying to sound relaxed.

"Yes, if you would have come earlier, you would have been able to join in on the fight," Carlisle said. 

"And who's this?" I said spotting a small, dark brown haired newborn huddled behind the Cullen coven's small line. She trembled with fear. 

"She's one of the newborns, she didn't want to fight.  She surrendered," the Carlisle Cullen's wife said.

I stared at the girl.  "Tell me your name," I said.

As she started to open her mouth, I caused her so much pain she was screaming.

"Stop.  You don't have to do that she'll tell you anything you want to know," Carlisle said. 

"I know," I said.

She stopped screaming and started panting.

"My name is Bree Tanner," she said, her eyes wild and terrified.

"Who created you?" I demanded.

"I don't know, Riley wouldn't tell us," she said.

I sighed. 

Felix stepped forwards, ready to kill

"We were going to adopt her into our family-," Carlisle began. I pushed Felix back.

"That won't be necessary," I said.

"Can't you give her a second chance?" Carlisle asked.

"The Volturi don't give second chances," I said.  That much was true. 

I started to pull back my hand to allow Felix to kill her when someone shouted, "Wait!"

The human girl, Isabella I think it was, was standing in front of Carlisle Cullen's redhead son. 

"Please, don't kill her, she didn't mean to.  If you let her live, Edward will turn me into a vampire, two months earlier than he meant to."

I laughed.  "That's the best offer you could make?"

She looked hurt and drew back. 

"Please, Jane.  She's only a child," Carlisle said.

"Felix, you have my permission," I said.

"She only killed so many because she was thirsty Jane, I'm sure you felt the same way when you were first a newborn," Isabella said.

I froze.  I could feel Felix freeze behind me.  “You massacred people too.  I’m sure it was all to survive.”

“Yes, but not under direct orders from a leader,” I snapped. 

“Jane, please,” Bella pleaded. 

"Alright, you have one chance to get her off her human blood diet and onto your animal blood diet.  You fail to do it, we will kill her.  We'll be back in 6 months," I said. 

"Come on, they'll be waiting," I said.  I turned away and glided into the trees, Demetri, Felix, and Alec close behind.

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