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Thank You Mama
There was a time in life
When I was seven years old
And she told me
"Go make yourself some friends,
To keep you company."

There was a time in life
When I was thirteen years old
And she told me
"Don't get yourself
In trouble."

There was a time in life
When I was eighteen years old
And she told me
"I'm disappointed in you son,
I thought you could have done better."

There was a time in life
When I was thirty years old
And she told me
"Treat your wife like a queen,
Don't be like your dad."

There was a time in life
When I was fifty years old
And she told me
"Son, I am proud,
Look at where you're standing now."

There was a time in life
When I seventy years old
And I told Mama
"Thank you Mama,
For your sacrifices."

There was a time in life
When I was eighty years old
And I told Mama
"I love you Mama,
I am grateful to what you have done."

There was a time in life
When I was going back to God
And she told me
"Well son,
I'll see you on the other side."

And I told her
"Thank you Mama,
I love you so dearly
I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you

And she told me
"No, son,
Don't thank me
It's my job as a mom."

And I told her
With a weak smile
"Thank you

This is made for contest eight which is hosted by ThePoeticRose

Any thoughts on this poem which I tried to make it like a song?

If no, go to your parents and say "Thank you."

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