18 9 4

they will never
be the same
because they
played the game
of taming time

one day, they had
a beautiful wife
the next day, they
had a horrible life

they should have
known how to tuck
away their 'needs'
but that was all
they could feed on

now that their wife's
in others' hands,

they stopped taming time
they stopped their 'needs'

and then they
became shrivelled
while their girls
were wived

»apologies for the slow updates!! i am having my exams currently. anyway, this poem was a mere attempt at rhymes.

the first line was inspired by comments on Poker Face by Lady Gaga and how these comments state how much they missed Lady Gaga back 7 years ago. anyway that's just a fun fact for you. you can go listen to the song!! «

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