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we barely understand each other anymore
we have been on the front line
for so long, we forgot what it meant
to embrace 'diversity'

we believe what others believe,
never ever wanting to stand out
like a sore thumb for having
believed otherwise

such archaic yet foolish
thinking has never escaped us
yes, we know very well our faults

too well in fact

yet in our faults, we chose to see
a sky a colour of a bruise,
speckled with stars here and there

when we were young,
we had vouched for rights, spouting words
that have been hackneyed for centuries

when we were young,
we stood together, fist to our chests,
as guileless and artless as ever

what a wild time it was then.

now we are strangers living
our supposed golden years
but nobody knows that
we are actually going to die
without having our hopes
and dreams being realised

the words we once spoke
have simply become meaningless

we failed, didn't we?
in the end, we gave up our lives
for a meaningless cause
we were never destined for

we were simply destined
to die as sinners
because we once chose to
run away from ourselves
in a feat to feel a sense of pride
and justice, we now
reap what we sow


what a strange word.

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