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he could not understand
why her plea sounded so
desperate for after all
he left her in the dark for years

he battled his demons on his own
not that he was selfish, not that
he did not care, not that he forgot
but it was because he simply drowned

"i want to stand your stage;
i want to be more than just a shadow
i want to be the main actress." she had said, her electric blue eyes staring so passionately at him

"i love you."

he was not so sure if he should revel
in this moment. after all on a more
prosaic level, he was simply
witnessing a cliche romance plot
unfold before him

she does not love him. he does not love her.

he does not love himself.

he was a simple case of tragedy
so much so he took every moment
to be one well executed comedy

he laughs with the world
yet he weeps alone

his descend into madness
was an absurd one; nothing
short of a worthy material
for a movie that would
get money rolling that
even his fellow colleagues
surely must envy him!

he had nothing
he is never sure of anything
but yet there's also something
that had cause his sight to be maimed
making him an awfully lame man
till even he himself can't tame
the inner demons that came

the girl that confessed was
waiting for his reply

but he didn't have a clue on how to respond

his mind was spinning

"and cut!"

the director yelled across the room
the girl stops gazing at him intensely
and walks away, praising everyone
for their hard work

as he watches her go, he
could not help but feel
his heart shattering to pieces

the acting may be over

and yet his love for her will never fade

and that is what's really sad

that girlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora