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*Jewels pov*
"Come along Jewel." I walk up to my caretaker with my suit case as she enters the orphanage. "Hello welcome. May I help you." I hear a gently voice say I peak out from Miss. Ann's legs I see a lady with long blond hair and bright baby blue eyes. She looks down and smiles at me.
I hide behind Miss. Ann's legs once again. "Why yes I am here to drop this child off her name is Jewel." "Oh ok well hello Jewel." The nice lady said waving at me I shyly wave back to her. "I'm sorry she very shy ." The lady nods. "That's ok." She asked Miss. Ann more questions about me like what my age was and my date of birth. "She 8 and her date of birth is July 1st." The lady wrote down ever thing Miss. Ann said on to a slip of paper. "Ok and if you don't mind why are you dropping her off?" Miss. Ann just smiled. "Her Foster parents couldn't take care of her due to money problems." She nodded and looked at me again. I looked straight at her my lavender eyes sparkled as I looked at her. "Hello Jewel my names Caroline." I looked at her and smiled a bit. "Good bye Jewel be good ok." I looked over at Miss. Ann and waved. "G-goodbye Miss. A-Ann." She gave me a hug and kiss on my forehead. I watched as she left.
"Come along Jewel let me show you to your room." I nodded and followed Caroline up the stairs with my suitcase in hand. We walk down the hall and to the left. "Here's your room I let you get settled I will call you down once dinner is ready." She said looking down at me I nodded and she walked off. I opened the door and saw baby blue walls with small and large sea foam green dots. I saw a big twin sized bed with lavender covers and a plush husky around my height. I smiled and walked around my room it was so big.
I opened my suit case and placed my clothes in the sea foam dresser. I took out my tablet that I had got as a present from my foster parents and placed it on the bed.
The last item I took out of my bag was a very faded photo of me and my family from when I was just a baby. It was the only picture of them before the accident and they died. I smiled at the picture and placed it on my night stand. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I stayed up late last night packing. I hopped up on my bed and snuggled into the covers of my bed I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
*Jewels pov*
I was sitting in a car seat facing forward. "P-papa when w-will we be a-at -?!.*^? h-house?" The little baby me giggled and looked over to my left see a boy that looked similar to me. "Very soon *~!?. I promise." I couldn't hear the name because it was distorted.
"Sweet I can't wait to see .?!$& again." I look to my right to see a boy a boy that looked similar to Caroline he looked over at me a smiled.
"Hey Jewel how are you." The baby me giggled and reached up trying to grab his hand. He laughed and started to tickle me. "A-!,!,? stop p-please your d-distracting papa." I smiled and reached over to the other boy he smiled placed a kiss on my forehead. I squealed in joy and looked at him. "WHOA ?!'!:.? WATCH OUT!!" That's when ever thing went black.
*Jewels pov awake*
I spring up from my bed in tears. "Jewel what wrong." Caroline said running over to me and hug me "I-I had a d-dream about m-my family before t-they died." I cried out. She patted my back and comforted me as I cried. "It's ok it's ok do you wanna talk about it." I shook my head no. She nodded and hugged me once more. "Well once your feeling better and you do wanna talk I'll be at the front desk." I nodded and she walked out. "Oh and before I forget dinners ready. " "o-ok. C-could you t-take me there p-please?"
I asked and she nodded. I jumped off the bed and followed her with in five minutes we both were in the dinning room where 7 other girls sat. Two of them look over at me and waved. I sat at the table and looked at everyone.
"*Ahem* girls why don't you introduce your self's to Jewel here." They nodded. "Hello I'm June." June was a short kid she had waist long brown hair with streaks of blue in it she had greens eyes. "Hello Jewel my names Brittany." I looked over at the girl sitting next to June. Brittany had shoulder length brown hair she had dull green eyes with a small hit of purple in them. I then looked over at the girl next to her. "Hi I'm Eva nice to meet you." She said Eva had long waist long blond hair but it was a lot shorter than June's hair she had pinky-purple eyes. I looked over to the next to Eva.
"Hi I'm savanna nice to meet you." She got up and hugged me I stiffened. Savanna had long brown hair that went passed her shoulders with blond streaks in it she had chocolate brown eyes. I hugged her back after about 3 minutes. She smiled and let go she then went back to her seat. I looked over to the person that sat next to savanna. "Hello I'm Anna nice to meet you. Anna had short red hair that went to her shoulders she had red eyes to accompany her hair. I looked over at the last two they looked like twins. "Hello I'm May this is my twin sister lily." They both had long dirty blond hair that went passed there shoulders but the one difference they had were there eyes. May had two different colored eyes one was green while the other one was a indigo color. Lily had light green eyes.
I smiled and looked at everyone. That's when Caroline came out with dinner. Wait when did she leave and grab dinner? She must have left when the girls were introducing themselves. Dinner was pizza and mac&cheese. "Hey Jewel if you don't mind me asking but why do you have that necklace on?" Eva asked me.
I looked down at my necklace it was a sliver heart necklace with my name inscribed on it and a big 'Q' on the back covered in amethyst and sapphires. "O-oh it w-was a present f-from my o-older brothers before t-they died." I said fiddling with my necklace. Everyone looked at me with sympathy in the eyes. "O-oh I'm sorry about that Jewel. " "N-no it's f-fine I miss t-them but t-there in a b-better place n-now." They all smiled at me.
Once we all finished are dinner we headed to are rooms. I headed to my room and changed into my pj's. *knock knock* I looked over at my door and walked towards it. Once I opened it I saw savanna on the other side. "Hey Jewel" "H-hi savanna.
"D-did you need s-something?" I asked. "Um ya I was wondering why your necklace has amethyst and sapphires on it?" She said looking at it. I smiled. "T-they did that s-so every t-time I l-look at it I-I can s-see there eyes I-in it." She was shocked at my answer. "Really??" I nodded.
"M-my one b-brother had baby b-blue eyes s-so he r-represents the sapphires. M-my other brother h-had lavender e-eyes like me h-he represents the a-amethyst." She smiled. "That's super cute your brothers must have loved you very much." I nodded and smiled.
We talked for a few more hours before Caroline said it was bed time. "Night Jewel see you in the morning" Savanna said getting up and walking out of my room.
I yawned and laid down on the bed snuggling the husky. "N-night big b-brothers I love y-you guys. I-I wish y-you were h-here." I then fell asleep thinking of my family.
*Matthew's pov*
"Bro you ok??" I look over and see my twin brother. "N-nothing Alfred it's n-nothing." He walked over and hugged me. "It's ok bro I know your thinking of her. I promise will find her." I dried my eyes. "T-thanks Alfred y-your right well f-find her." I smiled at him.
"Alfred you git pay attention." We looked over to see Arthur glaring at us. "Sorry Iggy Mattie just feeling down." Arthur looked over at me. "Oh hello Matthew when did you get here?" I dead-paned "He's been here the who time Iggy." Alfred said getting back in his seat.

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