Chapter Five

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*Matthew's pov*
I stood there in shock as I watched it fall back on to the table. Alfred ran over to it to make sure it didn't open an of its stitches. I continued to hear its words in my head. 'My master and your little sister Jewel.' Jewel was alive. "Whoa Mattie careful." Alfred said running over to me.
The veterinarian came in moments later to check her. "Well she alright nothing was broken luckily. But she will had a major scar on her side." We nodded. "Wait it's a girl?" Alfred asked puzzled. "Yup quite big for her breed but not uncommon. You also can take her home just make she doesn' move to much." She then left to care for other patients. We pick her up and walked towards the exit.
We carefully placed her in Al's car and drove to his New York apartment. We couldn't take her back to DC. The states and territories were there and would hound the poor girl.

*buzz buzz buzz*

Al quickly picked up his phone and answers it.
"Hello?..... oh hey Nick what's up?
.......Again .......well I'm not in DC right now..... put them on now." Looks like the kids did something. "Hi Ella hey William. Explain to me why Nick called me and told me you two were fighting with Austin again? ............Ok well now you two can help him with the cattle and the horses.... oh and Juniper I can hear you listening in you can help Amber with Kalei, Anastasia, and Petra... ok good..... Goodnight you guys."
"Dude you are so luck you just have Jewel." I laughed a bit.


We arrived at his apartment an hour later. I carried the poor girl in. I placed her on one of the many couches and laid a blanket on her. She peacefully sleep her ears would twitch once in awhile. I still continued to think about what she said about Jewel. 'I-Is she s-still around? Is s-she in t-the state?'
"You know you said all of that out loud correct?" I jumped up from the couch and looked over at the dog. Her sliver-blue eyes stared straight into my lilac ones.
"It seems like you care a lot about my master why's that?" She asked tilting her head one way.
I smiled and sat back down. "W-well she's my l-little sister. S-she's the o-only one who d-didn't make m-me feel invisible s-she was t-the gem o-of my d-day." I said closing my eyes I felt someone's arms around me.
I open my eyes. I turned to see Alfred hugging me while crying. "I'm sorry I make you feel invisible Mattie." I gave a small chuckle.
"I-its ok A-Al I forgave y-you long a-ago." I looked over a lot the husky she was watching us with a smile on her face. She then tried to stand up.
Keyword "tried" she got to her feet but fell down. "Y-you shouldn't t-try to get u-up you n-need to heal u-up." I said lightly pushing her down.
She scoffed. "I'm trying to save my master from a sociopath. Plus I'm just made of stuffing and fake fur I'll be able to walk just fine." She got up and stepped off the couch. She fell on her stomach and groaned the stitches that were on her paw started to bleed.
"Ow. I guess I'm not stuffed anymore." She said groaning. I picked her up and gave her a questioned look. She yelped as I placed her back on the couch. Alfred had gone to the kitchen to cook up some dinner for me and the husky.
"Lunar." "W-what?" I asked her. She gave me a sly smile. "My name is Lunar and yours is Matthew." She said laying her head down on the couch. I found Lunar to be a bit weird. But interesting.
Alfred came out of the kitchen with a small steak for Lunar and for me and him some pizza. Al's pizza was always my favorite. He never bought store made pizza he would always make his own. Tonight's was vegetarian.
Me and Al ate and watched some baseball.


After the game we headed to bed after taking care of the dishes. I looked over at lunar she was laying on the couch. Her eyes were closed and her face showed her discomfort. I shook my head and went over to her.
I then picked her up. Her eyes shot open and she whipped her head towards my face.
"What are you doing?!" She yelled at me I smiled. "I-I'm gonna l-let you sleep I-in my r-room. You s-seemed uncomfortable on t-the couch." I slowly walked over to my room. Once I was in my room I placed her on the bed. She quickly snuggled into the blankets.
"E-enjoying the b-blankets?" I asked with a cheeky grin. She huffed and closed her eyes. I smiled and grabbed my pjs. I walked over to the bathroom and quickly changed. I brushed my teeth and headed over to my bed.
I lightly moved lunar so that she was at my side and not my feet. I laid on the opposite side of the bed. My head hit the pillow and I fell asleep instantly.

-hours later-

*Matthew's pov still*
I feel little licks on my face. I slowly open my eyes and I see Lunar standing over me. "Morning Matthew." She said with a smile I yawned and smiled back at the husky.
"M-morning Lunar. Y-you really shouldn't b-be on y-your paws." She just smiled. "Well I can walk fine now come in Alfred's up. I told him where Jewel is, now hurry up we're leaving soon." She hopped of my bed and out my door. I sat up and processed what she said. 'I told Alfred where Jewel is, now hurry up.'
I jumped up and ran around the room and through on a random shirt and pants. I grabbed my coat and ran out of the room. I saw Alfred and Lunar waiting at the door.
"Morning bro you ready to go?" I nodded. All three of us headed down the stairs. We walked out of the building and hopped in Alfred's truck and drove till we met the same dirt road from yesterday. "Were close." Lunar said with a growl we both nodded. We pulled up in front of the houses we called the police and waited. They came seconds later and busted down the door after that everything was a blur.

Thanks for reading this weeks chapter. Sorry about the weird ending the next chapter will be a lot better also in a few minutes I will be posting up a info chapter about the states that were mentioned in the chapter.
Well I hope you enjoyed and I hope you forgive me and here is the next chapter
Peace out puppets ✌️❤️✌️

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