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Hey guys. I'm super duper sorry you don't have to forgive me but this is what has happened and why I have been inactive for almost two months. while I was down in Florida i had lost my phone and we couldn't find it any where. my phone is the only electronic device I own soo after I lost that I had no connection to wattpad or any other social media. but recently I have been given permission by my father to us his tablet which I find great news the only down fall is that I may only upload once or every other month instead of once a week 😣 which makes me feel terrible. 

I really don't expect any of you to forgive me and unfold unfollow and I would understand but I do have a little good news while I was offline for those two months I have written two new stories one a creepy pasta the other a mincraft story. I will try to have them uploaded soon but anyways thanks for reading this and caring and I hope hat some of you may stay but I will understand if you don't .  but anyways have a nice day and hopefully see ya'll soon. 

Peace out my stars and puppets✌❤✌

Lost Not Forgotten (Book 1) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now