How'd you find me?

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Kellin said that I could go shopping after last night.

I quickly got a shower,  and got dressed before jumping on the bed between the two men.

"Wakey wakey eggs and your moms a wh.ore! " I shouted causing them to groan.

"Princess, no. " Kellin grunted and mgk grunted in agreement.

"You said I could go shopping! " I whined loudly and he pulled the blanket to his nose.

"I'm sorry baby but I have an interview in two hours,  after that maybe we can -"

"I want to go now,  I need the clothes all mine are dirty and-"

"No Vic! That's fina-"

"Relax,  relax,  I'll take him. " mgk said, literally rolling out of the bed onto the floor.

"You don't have to,  he's just being a brat. " Kellin grunted causing me to pout, looking down at my socks.

"Nah it's fine,  I will princesses need to be proper huh Vic? " he asked causing me to smile and nod.

"Okay,  my credit card is in my jeans,  please don't let him go over 450."he replied before rolling over.

I watched mgk slip into a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tee and leather jacket.

He laced up his boots and held out his arm to me.

I grabbed his hand tightly.

"Ready? " he asked and I nodded causing him to laugh.

"You forgot something. "

I looked down past kellins sweater..... Only seeing thighs and light blue panties.

"Um.. " I mumbled,  running back over to my suitcase.


"What about this? " I asked,  stepping out of the fitting room and twirling.

"Perfect,  just like you. " he replied causing me to sigh.

"You said that about the last four outfits. "

"I know, but you look good. " he replied causing me to nod.

"Okay. "

"Why don't you scoop up all those and I'll go ring them up. " he said standing up,  walking over to me.

I walked into the dressing room and picked up all eight outfits,  handing them to him.

I changed back into my original clothes before following him out.

"Will this be all? " the lady asked and we nodded.

"Good,  your total is 459.65." She said smiling.

He fished into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

He gave her 500 dollars.

"Keep the change. " he huffed, grabbing my bags before walking out.

I followed behind quickly.

"Kellin gave you his card, you didnt have to p-"

"I wanted to, its the least I could do. Quit complaining." He said causing me to pout.

"Anything else?"

"No, I'm set thank you."

"Okay pumpkin." He mumbled causing me to smile.

"Want to catch a movie?"


"Have you seen this?" He asked and i shook my head no.

He smiled, paying for the tickets and pulling me into the movie theatre.

"Can, I uh go get some popcorn?" I asked and he nodded, handing me a twenty.

I stood up, and weaved in and out of people before reaching the door.

Once I reached the counter I smiled looking at all the candy.

"Can I get a large pack of popcorn and some skittles?" I asked and the guy smiled.

"Sure, princess." He said softly turning around to the machine.

I looked over to the window seeing a black lincoln pull up to the front door.

Then I watched the door open...wait is that.


I turned back around to see a gun pointed in my direction.

"Don't move darlin I don't want to put  a hole in that little head of yours.' I whimpered, feeling arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi love." He whispered in my ear causing me to shake.

"O-Oli wh-why?" I stuttered causing him to laugh.

"Did you seriously think you didnt want me anymore sweets?" He asked, tsking in my ear.

"We were always meant to be sunshine." He turned me around, making me stare into his bloodshot eyes.

He was definitely on something.

"I love you princess." He whisperex, leaning forward, trying to kiss me but I moved my head.

"N-no!" I shouted causing him to sigh.

"You'll come around love." He whispered, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"N-no! Someone help!" I shouted causing him to chuckle as he walked towards the door.

"They cant hear you over the film love." he shouted causing me to scream louder and hit his back.

"Stop it." He growled, but I didnt listen, I kept punching and kicking him.

He pushed open the door, then twisted sharply causing me to hit my head off of the latch and knocking me out cold.


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