I am the hero this site needs.

599 27 13

Look at this little thing! he jumped into my pits face and scared the crap out of both of them.

I mean she's eight, and he's small, both of them could've went into cardiac arrest.

He was paralyzed with fear and my sister tried to step on him and I quickly covered him with my hand and she crushed my fingers, but Yaknow it was worth it.

Tbh, I'm such a pacifist. Whenever people hurt helpless things for no reason, it makes me want to cry and or slap them for being so thoughtless about the ecosystem and or the animals family.

I being science into everything....oops.....maybe I just care about animals a bit too much as well.

Everything has a life for a reason right?

Anyways, sorry for disrupting your lives and making you think this was an update.

You can go back to reading your smut, you dirty kids.


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