Would you love me anyway?

988 56 22

Third person.
Kellin huffed, grabbing the half empty bottle of Captain morgan from the counter before stumbling into the livingroom.

"No f-fucking leads."He slurred into the top of the bottle before sloshing it into his mouth.

His lips smacked together in a drunken attempt to keep the vile content down.

He rested his head against the top of the bottle and took a deep breath.

"I'm p-pathetic, h-he deserves so m-" He paused, his own puke cutting him off.

He grabbed his stomach in one hand, and continued holding the bottle with his other as he hurled.

After roughly five minutes, the stream of puke came trickling to an end.

The drunken raven haired man brought the bottle to his lips again.

He took a big gulp, shaking his head before swallowing.

"N-n-" He didn't even finish his own sentence.

He simply just shook his head before slamming the glass bottle down on his coffee table.

"I-I love you v-victtorr." He slurred before laying down on the couch, pulling his feet to his chest before falling asleep.

He let out whimpers as he slept some in pain because his stomach felt like he was going to implode, others in sorrow and yerning for his lover.

Maybe you can't drown your demons after all, because poison runs through their vains.


Oliver took a deep breath as he pushed the plunger into the back of the needle.

He closed his eyes before resting his head on the back of the couch.

His eyelids twitched as he hummed 'Helena.' By the misfits.

Vic watched from the crack in the bedroom door as he drew in a notebook he found under the dresser.

He didn't really know what he was drawing.

His hand just glided against the paper mindlessly, as he held hid chin in his palm.

Oliver hummed as he looked up at the bedroom door sleepily.

"Hmm, Vic." He called tiredly causing the small Hispanic boy to whimper as he stood up.

"Yes Oli." He replied, walking into the room slowly.

"Sit with me for a while, dear." The older of the two slurred and the other nodded.

His sock cladded feet scuttled across the floor as he made his way over to the inebriated male.

Oliver let out a little grunt as he sat up and pulled the smaller male into his lap.


"He's not going to want you." The  tattooed male said as he butted his cigarette into the cup beside him.

"Oh and whys that?" The taller replied causing the older male to sit up in the chair.

"He's got Vic."

The other male squinted his eyes.

"You seem to forget that he came back to sheffield for me, Biersack . "He replied bluntly causing the other to snort.

"He went back to sheffield because of the drug charges against him, you just happened to be there to entertain him." Andy said smirking as he lit another cigarette.

"Those things are cancerous." The taller male said causing him to scoff.

"Yeah, so is this conversation." He replied bluntly before standing up and grabbing his lighter from the in table.

"I bet you, me and him will be back together in a month by the least."

"Oh yeah, I have a better chance of convincing juliet into a orgy." The black haired man said chuckling as he pulled on his leather jacket.

"Fu.ck you Andy." the taller spat causing him to chuckle.

"On the contrary, I'll be the one doing the f.ucking, goodnight Franceschi."

The auburn haired male just shook his head as Andy walked up the basement stairs.

He waited until he heard the front door before getting up and walking up into the kitchen and making a pot of coffee.

" Watch Andy, he'll be mine soon. I'll kill anyone who gets in my way." He mumbled as he grabbed his  spongebob mug from the cabinet.

He poured the mug, filling it all the way, and adding a pinch of sugar before sitting down at the kitchen island.
Hey guys sorry I've been gone for a while. This chaperone is just a filler and I thought I would try something new, if you liked my third person trying then you should check out my story called 'Monster' it's a cashby with some kellic and frerard mixed in with it, it's all in third person haha.

Adios- Pinecone

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