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I led Mountain back towards the village as the new enemy ships came in. I saw the leader that was in the ship I brought down led the dozen others that survived the crash to destroy what was left of the village's homes.

"Come around on the other side Mountain! We'll close them in!" Mountain ran off to my left and snuck behind the clay buildings that had stood on Ealtae for generations. I charged at the invaders, but something was distracting me as I hit the first spear out of the way. Had someone in the village taken cover inside one of the nearby buildings? Perhaps, I thought as I continued dodging attacks. I saw Mountain come up to the invaders on the other side and we quickly dispatched those who attacked us, leaving the one who seemed to be the boss alive.

"Granite! I sense someone has survived here!" Mountain yelled over the sound of more invaders landing.

"Yes, I do too, hold on a second," I then turned to their leader, "Who are you?!" The brown lump made a dissatisfied grunt. I dropped down on top of him, threatening to stab him.

"I am the Dark Marsh." I didn't notice as he cut the jetpack off my back. Once he got it free, he quickly activated the engines, slipping out from right underneath me and singeing some of my fur.

"Great." I told myself with much disappointment.

"Granite! In here!" Mountain cried out. I ran inside the nearby house to see who he had found.

"There," he pointed.

"Go outside and guard the village for a minute Mountain, I'll see what I can do."

"Wait-" Mountain paused at the door.


"What did you find out from that thing before he escaped?"

"He said he's the Dark Marsh, but he looked like a kind of, hog."

Mountain nodded an okay and ran outside. I looked back to the heap in the corner of the room; there was a cat, a small cat, who was cowering next to a large dead snake. The black and white kitten observed my every movement as I studied the snake. It appeared to have been hit by one of the "Marsh Hog's" spears. I reached out to the kitten, but it just backed itself into the corner even more.

"It's okay little thing, you're safe with me. I'm one of the Soliean Protectors." I reached out again, and this time the kitten climbed up my arm and held tight.

"Okay little thing," I said as I stood up, "we need to get you out of here." I saw Mountain off in the distance when I came out of the dark room.

"What is your name?" I asked the kitten.

"He-nry" it said softly.

"Henry?" I said back, "you're gonna make a fine protector someday Henry, I'll be sure of it."


The fight was constant. More and more of these Marsh Hog things were coming out of the ships. I turned back to the small village house for a moment long enough to see Granite come out with a small cat, but had to turn back to the fight as more hog things threw their red flaming spears at me. One advantage I have in a fight is that I am small and light, making me quite agile and able to avoid said red flaming spears. I found it easy to jump back from the hogs long enough to run back towards Granite.

"What's our move now Granite?" I asked.

"Well who knows Mountain? Keep fighting these guys?"

"Ha! Sure, but I'm really running low on energy right now master."

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