Dark Trade

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"Kjittafore it is then!" Sleepy exclaimed.

"I guess I will show off another room," Granite laughed, "the bridge!"

Granite led us to an elevator, which then brought us back and up to another whole floor filled with rooms.

The bridge was at the end of the hallway, giving it plenty of space to spread out. There in the bridge there were several consoles of different sorts: orbital, scanning, command, and navigation systems, as well as everything you could possibly imagine about the ship on an array of display screens.

"Here we are then!" Granite got right to work at the controls.

Through the window we could see the top of the ship's expanse far out in front of us. I could see the lasers, the plasma burst cannons, the shielding, and the hangar entrance. The ship was black, silver, and green in color, but in bright silver metal was the itraseletia, the symbol of the Soliean Republic.

Up ahead was Tetratakj, but Granite turned the ship around and pointed it for our new destination.

"This is captain Granite speaking to his crew."

"Here we go again!" Onyx laughed with us.

"We've decided to set course for main and have some lunch, but before we do that, we're going to Kjittafore to sort out the issues my team is sure have arisen there."

"We just had breakfast Granite!" Henry squealed.

"So I beg you, HOLD ON!"

Without giving much of a chance for anyone to grab something to keep hold of, Granite flipped a lever and sent the ship accelerating in Kjittafore's direction.

"Gosh Granite, how fast does this thing go?" I tried to say while squished against the back wall of the bridge.

"Don't you worry we're almost there!" He assured us. "Just, you know: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, there!"

The spiky planet Kjittafore appeared in the window and the ship fired its retrograde thrusters, causing everyone who was stuck to the back wall to slam into the window.

"Owww!" Onyx shouted.

"Should've taken my warning!"

"Maybe if you gave it to us a little sooner!"

"Okay team, now that you have a basic understanding of the ship, get your gear and meet me in the hangar in 15!"

"Right boss!" I teased, running out of the bridge to follow the groaning others. Then of course Granite had to get on the intercom again.

"I hope you all took my warning seriously, cuz now we're in orbit around the planet Kjittafore. You guys have six hours to come up with a list of everything you need for supplies, and then to also go get those supplies from the planet. So yeah! Granite out!"

Oh gosh, we really needed to take that thing from him.

I managed to find my way back to my room, but I can't take all the credit as I was mainly just following the others. I laughed at Granite's business with the new suit thing, taking the design from me. I got my suit operational and got the gear together for what I hoped would be an action-filled Kjittafore adventure and set off with the others for the hangar.

"There are a lot of shuttles in here!" Sleepy said in awe.

"I think today we'll take this one." Granite walked up to one of the transport vehicles and took us all inside.

"Do you have control of the hangar doors in here Granite?" asked Onyx.

"You bet I do," replied Granite pressing a few buttons. "We'll take the lower hangar door."

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