The Moon of Ealtae

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We decided to visit Ealtae first to check out some possible sources of information there Henry had in mind, and it obviously wasn't much out of the way. Once on the surface, Henry led the team to a village he used to visit when he was young, about 23 degrees to the east of his village. On the way he explained how every so often he would fly in a shuttle from village to village helping others with his parents. One cat he remembered was especially into the history of Solia, her name, Sapphire.

"Here we are at Sapphire's house!" Henry exclaimed at the door of a mossy cabin embedded in a stony hill, "She knows almost all the legends of Solia!" Behind us I saw several more houses, as well as cats playing and hunting in the streams.

"Great!" I told Henry as I stepped forward to knock on the rustic wooden door. This village was quite different from the one Henry lived in. Instead of being in an open field, this was a river village, located deep in thick Ealtaen forest with narrow, gurgling streams and rivers. Out of the house came a blue-grey cat about the same size as Henry.

"Helu?" it meowed, glancing around at all the visitors. "Henry? Is that you?"

"Hey Sapphire! I'm a Soliean Protector now!" Henry announced.

"Avieasolia?" Sapphire looked up, "come in!"

Sapphire led the team into the small wood and stone house and sat us at a table made of a giant stone slab.

"I've brought the rest of the Soliean Protectors too!" Henry explained as Sapphire prepared some tea, "Avieasolia, Granite, Mountain, Sleepy, and Onyx!"

"You've been busy Henry! What can I do for you all?"

"Well, we've been searching for answers, " I started.

"Answers? To what?"

"The forgotten past, what lies beyond," Avieasolia continued.

"Little Henry here led us to your home! He says you know of many forgotten legends!" Sleepy explained.

"Well, " Sapphire approached, "That was mostly my parents. I lost them in the fight against the aliens, " she whimpered.

"I did too, Pond took me out of the fight and kept me safe until Granite saved me." Henry told her at her side.

"I can still help you," Sapphire said as she placed the tea tray on the stone table. "This home is filled with old books recorded by my great ancestors of old. Many people off Ealtae would think they are crazy, but the cats of this village all have great respect for the forgotten past." Sapphire went to the back of the cabin, where, wrapped in cloth, were several small cat-books.

"Wow." Sleepy remarked as he examined the complex structure of the paw-made books.

"Here!" Mountain pointed, "this one says something about Ealtar!"

"Oooh you want to know about Ealtar?" Sapphire searched.

"We found information on Tetratakj that led us to believing something important may be on Ealtar." Onyx told her.

"Here, I've got more," Sapphire reached for more books on a shelf.

"This is great Sapphire!" Avieasolia remarked, "Thanks so much for your help!"

"Avieasolia," I mumbled to the side.


"If I may..."


"Sapphire may be a valuable asset to our investigation..."


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