The Soliean Protectors

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Well it's been a few weeks since the fight in Aquat, a few weeks of peace and quiet we've been quite happy to have. All of us have been now united for one specific reason, this peace will not last forever.

[Soliean Protector Planning Tower, Island of Craters, Agate Republic, Aviea]

"We are gathered today, Granite, Sleepy, Onyx, Henry, and Mountain, as the new group of Soliean Protectors, to discuss the past. Today we will share what information we have gained throughout the years, starting with me. Listen carefully to the past of the Soliean Republic, as told through my aged eyes."

We were new, inexperienced, Akjaeir and I. We dreamed together of a world that was not governed by war and violence, no need for strict borders and regulations. We left our world, an old world, removed from history by the thousands of years that had passed. In our search for peace we found the planet Aviea, a beautiful planet of such diversity and wealth. On Aviea we were able to extend our time to live by millions of years, not to become rich and powerful gods, no, but instead, as we believed, to become the most wise beings in all of creation. We simply wanted to see all. The being that sees all is the most intelligent, the most powerful. That being's weapon is not forged of metal and death, its weapon is forged of stars, life, and creation. This weapon's power is derived from the number of lives it saves, the magnitude of beauty found by the one who wields such weapon. Through this belief we built the Soliean Republic. First there was one star, then two, and finally all three stars worked together to create technology we could not imagine centuries earlier. Together we became the Leaders of Solia. We showed the universe hope, creation, a better life. We knew that this would not always be, so we decided to initiate some kind of program, I can't remember exactly what it was, but something that would activate when it saw the end of the Soliean Republic... This program would help protect the people of the Soliean Republic at all costs. After our Soliean Republic was protected, we continued to advance our technology to the point where we could build planets, massive fleets, and structures so amazingly intricate they could change the universe forever. Then, of course, we discovered the Web, a piece of technology so old that we forgot it even existed. Now we will listen to the history of the territory Aquat, from the eyes of Onyx.


Our territory's history was simple on the surface, but deep within we always detected a strange presence buried far beneath the ground, the artifact known as the key. Many of us felt as if something was calling us to it, as if the key wanted to be found by us. We searched and searched, until it was finally excavated and held by our government. Our history is short, but I will say that it also was filled with creation. Aquat was teaming with clear white crystals of quartz from which we could build the most beautiful structures. Of course, Henry must tell the history he remembers of Ealtae, the world of peace, as he saw it as a kitten.


I always remember Ealtae's peace, the bright green forests, the soft blue streams, the tall, shining spires of the ancient temples. I do in fact remember the legends of powerful stones, the web, and the times of old. I was born in a small village, where I lived for several years. My parents would tell me of the mysterious outer worlds, shrouded in darkness. I used to think, perhaps there was more to this universe. Sometimes I wished that the legends were real. Perhaps each planet was special in its own way, a little piece of history that could be learned, taught, and used to uncover deeper memories. When I was but a few years old, my parents gave me a stone. It is long lost now, but I thought that perhaps it would be my ancient "soul stone" as they were called in the books. Then the war came. Pond, a snake, was the closest family friend. As my house burned, my parents threw me out the window to Pond, who took care of me up until Granite rescued me. That is about all I have to share; now Setai may tell us of what he has seen on Sleepy2c.

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