Reverse Takeover by Black Swan

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Baby Robin born with 2 silver spoons
in the mouth, into indecent wealth
and privilege, father Governor of California
mother Senior Partner at LA law firm
what is there not to like, intelligent
well-educated, charitable, hard working people
prudent, sound judgement, exquisite taste
pride and joy of the Good Society.

Baby Jack born with no spoon at all
homeless father subsisting, live on food stamps
mother pretty, but illiterate, disabled, unemployed
never enough money to get by for poor Jack
until daddy buys a ten-cents lottery ticket
wins big time, chance of 1 in a 200 million
windfall of 2.1 billion US dollars, net money.

Jack's now raised with a 24K golden spoon
Swiss watches, Italian sports cars,
always friends to cheer him up,
stand by him, stab him in the back
Renoir + Rembrandt paintings to grace
his royal highness the Prince of Wales' Library
law at Yale, medicine at Harvard
engineering at MIT, Chair of the Rotary Club
marries with 1 beauty queen, for the day time
3 to 4 maybe more, during night time
he's black Muslim - it's legal
becomes Archbishop of Canterbury
President of the United States of America
to live happy ever after in the White House.

Against the odds, generally defined
as the God of chance favoring the good guy
mounting seemingly impossible
comebacks against impossible odds
but what if bad guys, or poor families
go against the current, totally unexpected
totally undeserved.

Against conventional wisdom
good luck charm for poor Jack in
the black swan universe of real life
proves better than being born into
wealth, privilege, pride and prejudice
our stubborn belief that we're the Master
of the Universe, at least in control of destiny
at the very least in control of our own destiny
through determination and righteousness
the positive myth of decent, hard-working
tax-paying, law-abiding, good citizens
shattered by the Devil of pure randomness.

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