Medical Technology Startup

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1. I might not forget, but I forgive you
but how to forgive and forget
when the family with seven children
gets shot in the tragedy of a
predictable, but not less outrageous
gun violence attack?

2. Thirsty for revenge
hard-wired for retaliation
one may explore the options
lawful not so much
to go after the perpetrator's siblings
"automatically" accomplice
"natural" partners in heinous crime
and make those "animals" payback
in sub-zero refrigerator cold blood.

3. Though this might appear defensible
to the republican national convention
with a reference to home-made justice
and the immediate gratification
of taking destiny in our own hands
shoot-first-ask-questions-later style
as based on the unconscious fundamentals
of the Freudian Pleasure Principle,
but the Id will not bring back the dream family
or immediately stop the nightmare awakening us up.

4. Indeed, forgiving is deemed to be
the inescapable Christian Royal Highway ahead
PaterNoster (not to be confused with the
passenger elevator which consists of a chain
of open compartments, each usually designed
for two persons, that move slowly in a
loop up and down inside a building on their
journey towards heaven, usually without stopping)
Our Father - "Forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us"
teethgnashing acknowledgment of the "humanity"
of the assassins, whatever the hell that might be
are they not less God's darling sweethearts?

5. But forgiving is hard, and quite a challenge
even when buying a gun is not so easy
for some of the victims even sheer impossible.

6. Exercised responsibly, that is without consulting
annoying Medical Ethics Committees,
deploying modern medical technology might help, compare:
New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal
the BMJ solution: create doctor-assisted memory disorders
through neurological induction of severe types of Alzheimer
a degenerative disease of the brain
characterized by the insidious onset of dementia
in the next of kin who lost their lives
in the unpardonable Second Amendment attack.

7. What is there to forgive
with memory, thinking and reasoning,
judgment at large, chronically impaired
and worsening over time
at no extra charge?

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